University of Miami EA Class of 2025

:persevere: such a long drawn out processā€‹:woman_facepalming:

This has nothing to do with acceptance or rejection. Every school randomly selects a group of students whose financial aid information they want to verify in order to prevent fraud. If they didnā€™t do this, many people would be submitting false information. Iā€™ve been selected for maybe 5 schools to do this.


ayee can yā€™all add me? my snaps zoila_zapple

This is so unnecessarily rude. Especially considering that what the original post said is right. Youā€™re acting like Miami is the only school dealing with Covid screwing things up. Many other schools have handled the situation a lot better. Weā€™re not asking for much, just clear communication. And the fact that the admissions officers are giving everyone different answers about when the decisions come out does in fact point towards a lack that of communication within admissions as well. Itā€™s not absurd to take this into account when considering which school to attendšŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


In some ways, admissions is the sales and marketing department. Well, in a lot of ways. Especially at private schools that have far more admissions officers. My daughter has applied to many schools and honestly, while we had some levels of different communication at several schools, each time weā€™ve talked to someone, theyā€™ve been great - patient and helpful. I think if you call the main contact #, you typically get a student intern. Itā€™s likely best to contact your specific counselor so that you have a rapport. In theory, for schools that take into account demonstrated interest, it would help there. I cannot speak to each personā€™s contacts and we too have had some different answers - i.e. some schools have said this year they are super scoring the ACT even though itā€™s not showing that on their website (i.e. U of South Carolina). But if you call and talk to the desk, every other person will say not true. But everyone has been nice. In the end, these folks are salespeople doing their best to accrue a class.
Iā€™m sure everyone - admissions, student life, etc. are doing their best but with less revenues from last year and reduced budget funding from governments - like every business, schools have sustained layoffs, etc. so of course it will impact qualify of life. But Iā€™m sure that the professionals who remain are doing their best to fulfill the experiences that our students expect and the schools basically promise.

Good luck to all.


Hello. I have a question/request. If your school sends out Quarter 1 grades to colleges to supplement applications, do you see anything in your application status portal showing that admissions received your ā€œfirst marking gradesā€ or anything referencing first term grades listed in the ā€œdocuments receivedā€?

I know our school sends out grades. Half of his colleges have acknowledged receipt in his portal and the other 6 have not, including MIAMI. The schools would have received his grades on or after 11/20.

Thank you for help!

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Our school sent 1Q grades as well yet they re not showing up on the portal. The GC says not to worryā€¦ the 1Q grades were sent via naviance and will make it into the file. But who really knows?

My D sent her first quarter grades via email to admissions in November and they did respond and said they were uploading to her files but we donā€™t see it in the portal. At least they responded and said they received it so hoping they have it.

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I emailed them my Q1 grades and my admissions counselor said they do not consider it.


Any updates?

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When ED was out they announced it on IG and Twitter the same day.

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My D did get a response from her admissions officer about her updated fall semester grades.

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has anyone heard anything tonight?

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My sonā€™s GC sent first quarter grades to all 7 schools he applied to and not one added it to their portal. He emailed one of the admissions counselors (Tulane) and she got right back to him and said she had it. I sure wish it showed on the applicant portals.

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no we most likely wonā€™t hear until thursday or friday n prob around 2-5

There was an update with their acceptance rate so maybe today maybe not either way it should be soon

wdym an update w their acceptance rate


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Where do you see the acceptance rate update? Is it for 2021 or 2020?