University of Miami EA Class of 2025

What were your stats?

I think merit aid will come out later? Don’t quote me but I think I read that somewhere, maybe someone with more knowledge can chime in?


  • Hammond Scholarship
  • Foote Fellows Honors Program
    FL resident
    3.97 UW/ 5.223 W
    Didn’t submit SAT
    Founder and President of 2 Clubs
    JKC semi-finalist
    75+ CS Hours
    Dual-enrollment student (on track to get AA degree in May)

But I think my essays showed genuine interest in UM and my major

Daughter was deferred. Husband and I both graduated from Miami.
IB and AP classes, 4.5 GPA, strong resume.
In reality, Miami isn’t her #1 - and she’s already been accepted to the two schools that were her top choices. But she may stay in the RD process just to see how it plays out.


28 ACT
3.713/4.3 GPA U/W
5 AP’s

My son too–Michigan and Miami

Does anyone know if Miami will submit deferred decisions rolling or if they will all be released at a uniform time with RD?

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Depends on if you switch to RD or ED II

I would be RD not EDII

EXACT SAME THING HAPPENED TO ME AND STATS (minus the 34 ACT I went test optional)

Accepted w/ Presidential Scholarship
Was finalist for Singer but didn’t get it
4.3 Weighted

I got in with the singer scholarship, Foote fellows honors and they invited me to apply for HPM 4.5 gpa leadership in EC and a crazy essay about god being an antagonist for the scholarship

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President’s Scholarship 25k for 5 years
President’s Arch Scholarship 28k for 5 years (53k total/year)
Foote Fellows Honors

1490 SAT, 21/24 essay
SAT 2 Literature 800, Math 2 760
11 ap, 5 on BC, 2D Design, US History, Lang, Chinese, Physics 1, another 5 this year
99.74 gpa (rank around 3/104)
Very strong architecture portfolio, strong essay, strong ec, average rec letter (I think)

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Deferred 1470, 4.22

Where did it say if you were a Foote Fellow

Same scholarship as you! Slightly lower stats, higher GPA. Congrats:)

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Also accepted into PRISM Program
ACT: 31
GPA: 3.75 uw/4.5 W
IB DP Student with 8 AP’s
350+ Service Hours
Club founder and president
Strong essays and EC’s too

Was anyone who was a Premier scholarship finalist receive a decision notification for the premier scholarship?

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1490 SAT, 21/24 essay
SAT 2 Literature 800, Math 2 760
99.74 gpa (rank around 3/104)
11 ap, 5 on BC, 2D Design, US History, Lang, Chinese, Physics 1, another 5 this year
Very strong architecture portfolio, strong essay, very strong ec, average rec letter (I think)

this is sad