University of Miami EA Class of 2025

Sorry but what’s loci???

I applied RD to Miami and seeing these stats scares me. I thought it was a target school yet people with very good stats got deferred. I do think they yield protected yet I wonder if they will do the same in RD. I had a friend who had good stats (A+ average, high 1400s, good extracurriculars) and got in EA (though he did get a lot of money). It seems that they want to weed out the people they don’t think are coming and find people who do.

Letter of continued interest, I think.


Daughter deferred. So disappointed! Miami was one of her top 2 choices.
4.5 gpa (weighted), 4.0 (unweighted)
34 ACT
great essay, EC’s, 280+ hours community service
She got EA at UGA - which is a great choice so hoping she pursues it.

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what does that mean???

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i got accepted and in my financial aid letter it said i still had more stuff to submit for IDOC

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accepted EA with a 22k Presidential Scholarship, does anyone know if it will stack with the Benacquisto Scholarship offered to National Merit Finalists? I read somewhere that they give award equal to full cost of attendance of public school, which comes out to around 20k a year i think.

assuming I don’t get anymore aid, what do you think my net cost per year is?

I graduated from UM too (‘91) and my daughter is a junior there now. Son just got accepted, but he’s leaning towards Tulane…that’s surprising, tho. Did she fill out the Legacy form? Show interest?

It’s a letter of continued interest letting them know they are still your top choice and if you were admitted you would definitely accept. then send them some updates since your early application. such as increase in grades etc


My son’s too. We provided back in October what they are asking for. I guess, I will upload it again

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Can’t believe deferred with those stats and you both went there!

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I hope it does, that is the only way for us. If I remember correctly, that is what the virtual financial aid person said a few months ago.

Do you guys think that I should ask that if I was a scholarship nominee and was deferred, if I therefore ineligible for it? I’m planning on sending a letter of continued interest later on but I was wonder if if I should send this before, like tonight


Also if I was accepted with a presidential scholarship does that mean I was rejected from the rest like the premier scholarships?

I think so. Did you receive a nomination?

i got a 17,000 scholarship but had to unload some pics of me and my parents tax stuff for the IDOC, so could i still get more need based financial aid???

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I honestly don’t know so probably not lol

It appears schools are deferring the most qualified candidates this year, perhaps not so much about yield and it is about promising a full ride (or even a spot) to someone who this is likely a safety school for… there are so many unknowns this year. If you want to go to UM, just let them know it…and inquire about your scholarship application.

We got a scholarship letter (under the Fin Aid. Link) and a second Fin Aid letter.