University of Miami EA Class of 2025

i did as well, with one telling me my scholarship and the other saying i still had things to submit for the IDOC. i submitted those things rught away so could i still get more need based money?

daughter has never had less than an A so canā€™t really improve on grades. nothing new to add since covid has prevented activities. should the loci just emphasize intent?

Thatā€™s great. Follow up with the Fin Aid office. That happened with my daughter, a junior at UM now. Youā€™ll just get your award a little later.

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She will most likely be admitted RD with those stats. The admission process is so random. My daughter with very similar stats was deferred from Tulane and admitted to Miami with full scholarship.

My son was admitted to Tulane and Miami with about the same scholarship 12-15kā€¦more from Tulaneā€¦interestingā€¦maybe the major plays a role?

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I got accepted into the honors college with the presidential scholarship!

W GPA: 4.695
UW GPA: 4.00
Rank: 3/689 (very competitive magnet school)
ACT: 32 superscore
Resident: Northern Virginia
Major: Biology

Congrats to all those accepted!! :green_heart::orange_heart:


yes, definitely let them know still top choice if admitted. You can include still maintaining an strong A average while taking rigorous course load (APā€™s etc) community service? awards? work? anything to help application. additional LOR

Yes - She actually attended the last campus info session/tour held before the admissions office shut down at the beginning of the pandemic (last March). Attended virtual college visit at her high school and at least one additional program virtually after that. Filled out legacy formā€¦

She was already leaning toward one of the schools that already accepted her, especially with the scholarship offer she has, but we are pretty surprised that she didnā€™t get accepted here during EA.

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Does an LOCI really mean anything when they invite you to choose ED2 but you opt for RD? D isnā€™t choosing ED2 b/c we are in that no-manā€™s land where we donā€™t qualify for aid, but it would be brutal to pay full ride at UM (especially after other schools have offered big merit). Maybe itā€™s all moot anyway; so many really qualified kids got deferred; they canā€™t possibly take them all in April.


I feel really similarly as a student; I am torn because my heart wants to do ED II to show interest and get a decision before my break to visit schools, but I ultimately know I donā€™t qualify for need-based and I donā€™t know what could happen with merit.


They have 2100 spots, but all schools accept more kids than that since many accepted wonā€™t attend.

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Son ACCEPTED into honors college with presidential scholarship
Major CS
GPA UW 3.9 SAT 800 Math 690 ERW - 1490
Class rank N/A
Excellent essays
Varsity 4 year athlete - Captain 12th
Excellent ECā€™s
Lots of Community Service

accepted!! with presidential scholarship + davinci program
w gpa 4.6
uw gpa 4.0
IB program
13/360 class rank
34 act
good extracurriculars, okay essays


Iā€™m late to the game but

GPA: 3.7 UW (91.5%)
ACT/SAT: test-optional
Major: Psychology
Honors (school doesnā€™t do APs): 9 honors, and 2 accelerated
ECs: Sports, HS leadership, job, some volunteer hours (40hrs)
Cains Scholarship

My daughter is accepted :blush:
Foote Fellow Honor invitation
Da Vinci program invitation
28,000 president scholarship

In state
30 ACT
Ranked 13 - 650 seniors
5.16 wgpa - 3.98 uwgpa
3 year varsity cheer
1 year varsity lacrosse
Many ECā€™s

Congratulations to everyone accepted

The same thing happened to me - they said I hadnā€™t submitted my tax returns even though I did. I wonder if I should contact the financial aid office to see what the issue is.

Sorry to be a pain, but UM website says a notification email WILL go out. Have people received this??

not yet

You are so kind, thank you!

I will step waaay back and be patient. Maybe Monday.

Accepted ea as a math major with 1500 SAT (700 rw 800 math), a TON of demonstrated interested, 3.9 uw gpa 4.6 w gpa, top 10% of class, and sooo many ecs and leadership. No merit money or honors program thoā€¦