University of Miami Frost School of Music MADE/CAM Talent Scholarship Question

My daughter applied to the University of Miami Frost School of Music contemporary music program (MADE/CAM) as a popular music vocalist/songwriter. We are still waiting to hear back on prescreen results, but I was wondering if there are any parents of students who auditioned and were accepted into this program, who graduated from the program or who are currently enrolled. I am hearing that there are many talent scholarship opportunities for the Jazz program but little for MADE/CAM candidates. I am hoping some of you can prove this information false and report a big talent scholarship for a MADE/CAM student. Perhaps wishful thinking? So far, I have not heard of any MADE/CAM candidate receiving any talent scholarship money. I understand it is a popular program with a large waiting list, so perhaps they don’t have a need to offer much money to attract great candidates. My daughter toured the department this summer and loves the program but it is definitely over our price range and we will not be getting much financial aid. In addition, we do not expect any academic merit as her GPA is strong but her ACT/SAT scores are below the averages they report. She has a great list of colleges and has already been offered some very generous scholarships, but I know she is hoping that Frost can be a realistic option. Any insight would be appreciated. Thank you and Happy New Year!

My son is in same position. Applying to Miami Frost (MADE/CAM). Not likely to get academic scholarship. My son previously did summer camp there. A student who he knew from summer camp who is now enrolled, told him that they do give merit scholarships for this program. My understanding from talking to someone in the admissions department is this program is only 2-3 years old and only takes 15 students per year.

Thank you for your insight @jacole
That seems to be the general consensus from anyone who has experience with the MADE/CAM program. Sounds like a great program and very competitive. My daughter’s audition is February 8th. I guess we will just see how things play out. Good luck to your son!