Frost School of Music prescreening

Hey, does anyone know how long they usually take to get back to you about your prescreening? I applied early action for the music business program, and submitted my prescreening a week ago. Thanks!

I’d like to too. My son applied MADE/CAM

I emailed the director of admissions for Frost so I should hear back soon, I’ll relay that here. Good luck to your son! I’m from NJ too.

soon after thanksgiving

Thanks @maby56 Good Luck!

D applied jazz voice and CAM. Also anxiously awaiting…

From what I understand the prescreening process is more for seeing if your academics would suffice, and getting a general gauge of your talent.

anyone hear anything? My D didn’t apply EA so we don’t expect to hear for awhile still. Wondering about the rest of you all who applied EA?

I got past the prescreening, but I applied EA.

Nice! Be sure to send a PM to MezzosMama with your prescreen date, what you are applying for and audition date. It’s very helpful for everyone following these threads if you are willing to do it.

I’m actually doing everything digitally, so I don’t have to set up dates or anything.

Boy got the email yesterday; audition set for Feb 16th

Nice! Did he apply EA?

Yup. So what/when’s the next thing we hear? That he got into the University some time in January?
Means nothing if he doesn’t get the program he wants. Music and MT kids have it tough

S18 also got the Feb 16 audition confirmation email yesterday, but he is classical so did not have to submit a prescreen.

@JerseyParents I think the kids get the music school and UNiversity decision all at the same time. I’m pretty sure that’s the same for EA at Miami as well although perhaps I’m mistaken on that.

Did anyone here apply Regular decision? If so have you received your prescreen notification? My DD applied to MADE/CAM and she has not received any news as of today.