University of Miami vs Boston U

<p>D has been accepted to both Universities and has trouble deciding which one to go to. She is international and was accepted without any scholarship, so money is not a deciding factor (almost the same cost).
We visited BU and did not have time to visit UM, but reading the threads on UM, it seems to be a fantastic campus.
In both UM and BU, she was accepted in (computer) engineering and would like to know which would provide the best opportunities for graduate studies in a top school.
Today she sees BU as a (slightly) better reputation but she really prefers the environment and weather at UM (she has always lived in sunny warm weather).
Please help her to decide! Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>Miami has a better ranking (38) compared to Boston U (53). Just pointing that out for you.</p>

<p>Thanks, but it is the opposite for engineering UG (BU is ranked better).</p>

<p>It comes down to wanting to Live in Boston in the North or Miami in the South.
Snow/Cold vs Sun/Beach essentially. Both Great Cities, but I would go with Miami.</p>