University of miami or boston university college of general studiesgs ?

<p>ive been accepted to both but i cant make up my mind on which one to go to !
ive been to alot of college websites and have found out alot about both but im still confused....please help</p>

<p>Well do you want a school in a city up north with no campus, or do you want to be in the south with a closed campus and a big sports/party atmosphere? They’re very different schools and it really just depends which you prefer.</p>

<p>Have you visited both? The environments are so different that it’s hard imagine that you’d have a hard time choosing. </p>

<p>To add to MiamiCane2010’s comments: </p>

<p>BU = urban “campus” in the best city anywhere to be a college student, the weather changes and does get cold, plenty of parties, big time sports if you’re into hockey. </p>

<p>Miami = self-contained campus about 7 miles from downtown, warm & sunny, plenty of parties, big time sports if you want to spend 45 minutes riding the subway to get to the football games (though basketball is getting respectable and on-campus), academic reputation is rising.</p>

<p>If you can’t decide, I’d suggest choosing whichever one leaves you with the least debt upon graduation.</p>

<p>After completing her freshman year and fall semester of sophmore year my daughter transferred from UM to Northeastern. She is an Enviro/Poli Sci major. She was very disappointed with the academics. For example, a final in an International Studies course had 8 multiple choice questions. That was it! No essay, nothing. As she put it, a monkey could have passed the test. </p>

<p>She also felt trapped on campus. Unless you have a car or have alot of money to spend on cabs it is very difficult and costly to go off-campus.</p>

<p>She is extremely happy at Northeastern. The classes are challenging and it’s very easy to go into Boston if you want a change of scene.</p>

<p>I know others who have posted are very happy at UM but I think it’s good to get another perspective.</p>

<p>My son has a friend who went to undergrad at UM and is now at grad school at BU. He visited her at BU a few months ago and she loves it there and they had a great time in Boston. He met her at UM before he transferred out. I think he would tell you he prefers BU.</p>

<p>Boston University’s College of General Studies is basically like a community college. You take math, social studies, science…not the same as going to BU’s CLA. Boston is an amazing city and BU is a wonderful place (I graduated there many moons ago) but do you really want to spend all that money on the CGS program (although it is wonderful for students who could not get into BU or another four year university). You could start at U of Miami and if you aren’t happy, transfer to BU as a junior (and thus bypass the remedial stuff).</p>

<p>thank you all for ur help !
@jmm2011 - i have read alot of reviews by students and almost all of them have said that there are alot of on-campus activities and the social scene is very happening…beaches, parties, and loads of other stuff as well !
so if u could can u expand on what u sed abt the situation on-campus and also do u have ne idea whether the management/business course is challenging ?</p>

<p>can anyone else also give me info on the management course at school of business adm ?</p>