University of Miami vs Umich (Is Miami a good school)

<p>I'm from Michigan and up here there is one school that you go to, The University of Michigan. I attend a small private school and arrogance exists among my classmates about any school that isn't Michigan or anything ranked higher (Uchicago, Yale, ect) The problem is that while I got into Umich I hate the school and the state. The feeling among everyone at the school, including teachers, is that I should go to Michigan as I have worked VERY hard in high school. In fact, even the head of my school said "Miami, in Florida...That's the bad Miami, why would you go there?" The issue is that I can't deal with the cold and feel better and perform better at everything in much warmer weather. </p>

<p>My question is this, if I go to the University of Miami and perform well in my classes and do well on all standardized tests do I have a (decent-good) shot at getting into an Ivy League school. Or, as everyone in my class arrogantly proclaims, will graduate schools see Miami as simply a party school. </p>

<p>Furthermore, if you got into both Michigan and Miami what would you choose? And why?</p>

<p>I’m very surprised that the head of your school would have such a shallow opinion. Ever since Donna Shalala became president of the university, Miami has become one of the best research institutions in the country. Although I personally don’t care about rankings, many people (as well as grad schools) do, and in the case of Miami (number 38 in the country according to US News), they are ranked among the top schools in the country, and are moving swiftly up among the nation’s elite. Miami has completely left behind it’s stigma of party school. Unfortunately, the general idea of the nation hasn’t quite caught up among the general populous. But I can guarantee you that almost anyone on this forum would agree with me in saying that Miami is an amazing school, with many bright students from around the world looking to attend. Don’t pay any attention to your friends and your school head; go with your heart, and where you feel you would fit in the best.</p>

<p>You will be very unhappy if you listen to others instead of following your gut. Have you visited U of Miami? I can tell that there is a 99% chance that you have not. Book a flight down to Miami if you can, because UM is a school you really need to experience to see it true value. Beware, you will fall in love with it when you visit! </p>

<p>As stated above, Miami has and continues to shed its “tanning” and “partying” reputation and it is emerging as a top university. A few years from now (2 or 3) Miami may even surpass Michigan!</p>

<p>I forgot to touch in a few points, but yes you can very well transfer to an ivy league or go to an ivy league for graduate school from Miami, I have seen many people do so. Just as Michigan is highly regarded as a great school in Michigan, if you tell someone in Florida that you go to U of Miami you will get that same reaction “wow, you do?!”. </p>

<p>If I had to choose between U of Michigan and U of Miami I would def. pick U of Miami because the weather is amazing (I cannot study in the blistering cold; all I think about is cuddling in bed with a blanket) and also I feel that Miami would have more opportunities since you are in a major city. Finally, U of Miami has a student body that cannot be beat. The people are always laughing and smiling and talking and they just seem, in general, very happy. The students are very friendly and you can make a friend anywhere you go. </p>

<p>Goodluck with you choice!</p>

<p>If your into data -The most recent common data set for each school yields almost identical student body profile. E.G. 54% of Freshman at each school have an ACT composite range of 30-36. </p>

<p>Bottom line is that both schools have very high achieving students-other variables would appear to be the deciding factor for you.</p>

<p>I was born and raised in Michigan, so I am very familiar with the “U. of Michigan is the greatest school ever and you would be nuts not to go there” mentality. </p>

<p>I also have a daughter who is a junior at Miami, so I feel I can address this issue from both view points.</p>

<p>As others have stated, both schools have great academics. Check out the stats at the Coolege Board website. They really are on par with each other. The advantage I see is that Miami has students from around the country and world, while Michigan has a predominance of in state students. By attending Miami you will experience a whole new culture and mindset and break out of the home state comfort zone. Most students in Michigan are raised to look no further than our state’s borders for higher education, I feel that you will thrive by broadening your horizons.</p>

<p>And I can not say enough great things about the U! It is a top notch, world class institution. If you decide to attend, you will not be sorry. Good luck to you!</p>

<p>I am a U of Michigan alumni and my S is currently a freshman at U of Miami. He also was accepted at U of Mich- but as an out of stater it was just too much money. Miami offered him significant merit scholarship money. Both he and I love U of Miami! He is on the premed track and has challenging classes. He is involved in many extra-curriculars. Miami is no more a party school than Michigan is. Just because he can go to the beach if he want to doesn’t make it a party school. It is hard to pass up the Michigan in state tuition, but definitely do your research on Miami. Good luck!</p>

<p>My son is a senior engineering major and is 8 for 8 in PhD acceptances at ranked programs in his area of interest and has full funding at about $70k per year. I would say that the U has been very good for his academic career. No complaints here. And we are a Michigan family who now reside on the west coast and think highly of Big Blue.</p>

<p>I just wanted to thank all of you for your detailed and thoughtful responses. It’s a scary time being in high school with so much uncertainty that persists in every facet of your life: where are you going to college, will you like, what’s your major going to be, what will you eventual career be. This is made faar more stressful and multiples the uncertainty in your mind tenfold when your possible Alma Mater is looked upon with disdain. </p>

<p>I showed my parents everyone your responses and they too wished to convey their appreciation for the detailed responses. Everything you guys have said has made it far more likely that I will be at the U next year.</p>

<p>I’m glad you have taken our opinions into consideration! You will not regret it if you go!</p>

<p>It is difficult to beat the cost for quality that UMich offers for instaters. If money is not an object, It comes down to which school is the best for you in atmosphere, students, location, amenities.</p>

<p>My S, his fianc</p>

<p>I am also in the same situation, choosing between UMiami and UMichigan. The price is about the same for both-- as I am OOS from NY. I was wondering if one school sends more kids to Ivy League Grad schools. I am definitely a top student, and would work hard in both with the goal of going to an Ivy League Law school. I am just wondering if one has a better reputation in these schools than the other. Thanks for your help!</p>

<p>Can’t speak for Michigan, but UM has a nice set of pre-law counselors and clubs that are there to help and support you. They also conduct mock interviews so when you apply to law schools and have to do interviews, you will have already practiced 2 or 3 interviews. Also, there was this great opportunity that my sister took advantage of which was a group of students sitting in a room with 3 UM law school admissions officers. The admissions officers were reviewing 3 ACTUAL law school applicants to the UM law school in front of the students and saying what they liked/did not like about the applicants and told the students which ones were rejected/accepted and why (the applicants names were not disclosed ofcourse). </p>

<p>So for UM, if you take advantage of the opportunities they give you, you will undoubtably be successful. I don’t know the percent that go to top law schools, but it really comes down to you individually.</p>

<p>“The problem is that while I got into Umich I hate the school and the state.”</p>

<p>Please go to Miami. You should not attend a school you hate in a state you hate. I feel sorry for you that you have suffered for so long.</p>


<p>Wow, an rjkofnovi sighting on the UM board! What’s next, Sparkeye 7 posting a link to an E. Gordon Gee Press conference announcing the establishment of an institute at OSU to study foot in mouth disease???</p>

<p>^did I miss something? Lol</p>

Sorry the Michigan mentality has not changed since I went to school (OOS) in your state. Fortunately, there are many Michiganders that do not care if you go to Mich or anywhere else- make friends with those kids!</p>

<p>As the state of MI likely sends less students to Miami than many Northeast states do, I can tell you that your “arrogant” teachers and peers sound pretty ignorant of what the U has to offer. The NE sends top students to the U. My Long Island valedictorian son ended up at the U and he had a choice of many top colleges to choose from. Full tuition scholarship and perks bring in many top students and they get a top notch education.</p>

<p>As I’ve said over and over again, you can go anywhere and be anything. Pick a school that makes you happy and provides a good fit.</p>

<p>Emory or university of Miami?</p>

<p>Emory in this case…</p>