Wanting to go to Miami

<p>To start off, I've wanted to go to Miami for some time now, and I'm planning on applying next year. My mom went there and told me she had a great time with a great education.</p>

<p>The thing is, whenever I talk about it to my friends and sometimes adults, they tell me it's no better academically than a school like Michigan State (I'm from Michigan) but from online research I've found that it is more comparable to Univ of Michigan than MSU. </p>

<p>I want to go to the best college I can get accepted into, but I don't want to go somewhere that people see as a "party school" only and weak on academics. Because if an employer in my future sees that I went to Miami, I don't want him/her seeing it as a school that I didn't work hard at. I don't understand why many people see it as a party-based school, understanding the requirements needed to get into Miami.</p>

<p>My question is: To people who read this, what do you hear about Miami where you are from, and if you attended Miami, has it affected you at all? Was Miami a good experience?</p>

<p>I know I probably shouldn't listen to people who probably have little knowledge on the school, but my college choice is probably gonna be one of the most important decisions I make for a long time, so I want to make it perfect.</p>

<p>I understand what you mean. When I tell people that I am going to University of Miami they are either amazed/happy for me, say “which one” or say “why”. The which one question always makes me confused and I end up saying “the one in Miami” but after researching I found that there is a Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. I think that could be why everyone gives us grief about going to University of Miami. I also think that they give us grief because its in Miami (technically Coral Gables) :)! They think it isn’t an environment conducive to learning but I guarantee you that later in life if you are in an interview and someone reads that you are a graduate of the University of Miami, you will be praised. I will be attending the U this upcoming fall on a full tuition scholarship and when I tell counselors, scholarship committees or any one knowledgeable (imo) they always have a great reaction. It’s only when I’m talking to classmates or random people who don’t know about the hurricanes or the U’s reputation that I get the negative reactions. I think that as long as your mom knows the truth about the school, you like it and will make the most out of it, everything is fine. In the end, it doesn’t matter what other people say or think because they aren’t paying for you to go to college.</p>

<p>So true morang1121. My S will be attending UM this fall and we are happy he has been afforded this opportunity. By the way paytonmcl, U of Michigan has quite a rep for partying. I think college is what you make of it. If you are looking for opportunities to party you will find them but if that is not your thing then you will find those students who have the same ideals and morals as you. There are over 10,000 student at UM and some pretty amazing professors. If that is your dream. I say go for it. Good luck.</p>

<p>Bottom line: People (adults) are still caught up on the Suntan U image of UM. It used to be this. It no longer is. There are dozens of threads on this, check them out. Here’s one: <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-miami-florida/1461916-university-miamis-future-rankings.html?highlight=future+rankings[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-miami-florida/1461916-university-miamis-future-rankings.html?highlight=future+rankings&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I can’t agree more with morang1121. I am also attending UMiami in the fall with a full tuition scholarship and I am completely happy with my decision. I have gotten all three of those question, the first two more than the third one. I was down their a few weeks ago and I can tell that the “Suntan U” label does not exist anymore. All the students care about their academics and succeeding in school, they just have the good fortune of doing it in a beautiful place like Miami. As for partying, every school party’s. Miami just gets more of a rep for it because its in the party city of Miami. In fact, Ivy League schools and other prestigious schools party just as much as Miami. This is definitely a great school and I know I made the right decision when I decided to attend. The most important thing to remember is it doesn’t matter where you go, but what you do. I guarantee that employers would a Miami grad who is well qualified and succeeded in their studies than a Harvard grad who slacked off and isn’t as qualified.</p>

<p>My son is going to Miami in the fall and was accepted at several supposedly"better’ schools such as UCLA, Boston College, and UCSD. If you visit the school and talk to both prospective students and current students, I guarantee you will be impressed. We feel it’s a great balance between strong academics and the opportunity to have a nice social life. Don’t dismiss the school without visiting.</p>

<p>its worth it to me</p>

<p>Neither the UMich nor MSU analogies are appropriate - academically, UM falls somewhere in between the two, and in every other respect they’re just not comparable.</p>

<p>UM is a pretty good school academically, but depending on what you intend to do after you graduate the U of Michigan has the potential to open doors that UMiami does not. If those are the kinds of things you want to be doing - mostly big business - then Michigan is the place to be. But between UMiami and MSU there won’t be too much of a difference there, though I think that UMiami has the edge reputation-wise, for whatever that’s worth.</p>