---University of Miami vs University of Washington---

<p>Alright so I am stuck between two schools as we speak.
I am planning on doing business at either school (preferable int'l business in the future).
At Miami I will be paying about 31k a year and at UW I will be paying about 39k a year.
At Miami, I am already in their school of business while at UW I didn't get into their Foster program as a freshman and will have to apply later on.
I don't know what school to choose.
I love the environment of Seattle for I am into fashion and love the city life and party life and nature and academics all in one.
I am also an artsy fellow and love artsy/hipster-esque/boho styled women LOL.
Which school would suit me better!?</p>

<p>Did you get into UW undergrad? If so, if it’s anything like UM moving into their business school shouldn’t be too hard.</p>

<p>In any case, in your shoes I would pick UM. But you’re a very different person than I am. In terms of rankings, UM is a little bit better, in terms of competitiveness the schools are about the same, in terms of location they are very different. So, assuming both of those prices are affordable (which is a reasonable assumption, otherwise the choice wouldn’t be an issue), it really comes down to which place you like the most, in my opinion.</p>

<p>And, I like Miami the most. Do you? Have you visited both campuses to get a feel for them? They’re literally on opposite sides of the country, and are virtually opposites in terms of their social environment as well as their natural environments. If you have the opportunity, visit both because you don’t want to make decision you’ll regret.</p>


<p>You see, I don’t really have the option of viewing both schools to get the feel of them.
What social life feel to you love about UM?
I’m into partying and clubbing etc but I don’t know if I am very much into the tools, jersey shore guys, and preppy dudes.
Also, is Miami even much of a metropolitan city?</p>

<p>I can’t wait for this reply…</p>


<p>Yeah I’m prepared for the response due to my generalizations/stereotypes lol.
But seriously, I’m looking for a good undergrad business program that will get me into the best job situation or grad school as possible.</p>

<p>UM is a very diverse school. We do have some of those jersey shore guys (I assume? I’ve never been there or seen the show) but we have very down to earth people as well. I think you’ll have a hard time avoiding this entirely at any school.</p>

<p>And I don’t know what you mean by a metropolitan city. I mean, by definition it is. I’ve been to lots of cities all over the country and Miami is very similar to all of them. This is kind of why I think it’s best to visit (though I understand that may not be possible). There are so many different things that matter to your personal experience that others may not understand.</p>

<p>The social life that I love about UM is the amazing diversity. For everything that I’m interested in, there are also people interested in that. We have a wide variety of students from a wide variety of places with a huge variety of interests. And it’s really a cool experience to get to work with all of them.</p>

<p>Perhaps someone else can be more helpful here?</p>

<p>@FBGMeveryday Firstly, I love your username and would like to respond with DFAC everyday. Anyways, as I say to everybody, go with your gut. I’m from Jersey and got a good feel when I went to visit the school. I didn’t get to experience the night life, but from what I saw I of the city, I loved it. The beach was amazing, the weather was beautiful, and the people were friendly. If I’d compare Miami to New York City, which is about 45 minutes away I’d say that New York City is very congested and there is a lot of traffic, whereas Miami is similar in the sense that traffic was slow and it was a bit congested when you were nearing the city, but that’s to be expected. However, there was something about the atmosphere that gave me a really good feeling about atending the university. And I’m sure that there will be people who party and those who study, but you’re going to have to find your niche. I’m a bit of both, but let’s face it, when the time is right you’ll get done what needs to be done.</p>


<p>“If I’d compare Miami to New York City, which is about 45 minutes away”</p>

<p>LOL^ Not true.</p>

<p>I think he meant NYC was 45 minutes away from his home in Jersey…but I could be wrong…</p>

<p>goodness, this thread…</p>

<li>Miami is cheaper than Washington. that’s an extra 36k over four years. Is the UW degree really worth the extra 36k, which could cover a pretty nice car, grad school tuition, traveling, or any other experience? If you’re doing business, I’m talking about the implicit opportunity cost.</li>
<li>For the international aspect of business, I’m sure Seattle has great connections to the pacific rim, just as Miami is the Capital of South America (brazil >>>>china errday). Both would be fine, but understand which region of the world you’d be best suited for with a degree.</li>
<li>assured Miami Business program > uncertainty about UW business program</li>
<li>“i’m into partying and clubbing”. Unless you wanna go to UNLV, Miami is it (look up Ultra Music Festival lol)</li>
<li>for artsy fellows who love boho women… Miami does have a great burgeoning art scene out in Wynwood and Midtown. Every second saturday, all the galleries in wynwood are open for a gigantic block party <a href=“http://wynwoodartwalk%5B/url%5D”>http://wynwoodartwalk</a>. com. One thing I like about Miami is that once you get past the garish, tacky developed stuff for tourists and millionaires (and jersey shore types) there’s a real, gritty, underside art scene to be discovered. It’s got a certain flair that’s more La Habana than Boho though. Again, I can’t much speak for Seattle, and I’m not sure how much time you will get to spend trawling galleries while studying in B School, but i’m chalking this up as a positive for UM. </li>
<li>Yes, Miami is a metropolitan city. I’m not sure how to explain this…</li>
<li>If you like nature, follow calle ocho out all the way to the everglades. Pacific Coast is not nearly as nice as Carribbean weather (except maybe september). We got some, they got some. w/e</li>
<li>Miami Rank #38 (and rising) > UW rank #42</li>

<p>go canes</p>