University of Michigan vs. University of Texas at Austin

Hello all!

I’m currently trying to decide between UMich and UT Austin for Statistics and Data Science (SDS). I’m an in-state student for UT Austin, so I only have to pay ~$10K/yr while I have to pay ~$42K/yr for UMich. I also was accepted to the Polymathic Scholars Honors Program at UT Austin. I am planning to go to grad school as well, so which school should I choose? Which school is easier to get better grades?

I appreciate all of your help and advice!

Where is the extra $32,000 a year coming from to pay for mIchigan?

Do the coats you quoted include room/board and other expenses?

Yes, room and board and other expenses are included.

Stay with UTA. No benefit going to UMich for the cost. Not sure if there is any benefit at all even without the extra cost.

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I would stay in Texas. Save your money. Both are excellent flagship universities.

What makes you want to consider Michigan more? Perhaps that can help us help you.

Michigan is a higher-ranked school overall than UT Austin. Additionally, the SDS major is very new (created within the past two years) at UT Austin, so I wasn’t sure how good their SDS program is compared to Michigan. I know that Michigan has a great SDS program.

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UT Austin is also a very well regarded school. The extra $128k for UMich isn’t worth it.


I agree but it’s UT Austin. UTA is UT Arlington.


And this rank is going to get you what? It got US News or another service something - but it means little.

The schools had coursework, etc. before - it was just banded under different departments.

This is a no brainer except if you actually hate UT. But then your better bet would be another in-state school.

Congrats on two great admissions and best of luck.

Where do you ultimately want to work? Do you want to stay in Texas? Going to school at UT offers many connections in state and it might be easier to network. Something to think about when considering schools.

UTA is a peer school to Michigan, comparably excellent in most disciplines … just as well regarded … I don’t quite understand why one would even consider going OOS (even at flat cost).

At higher cost, I don’t think it’s even a question - AUSTIN!

If they were the same price, I would lean toward Michigan for most pursuits – Michigan’s overall academic strength really is only matched by UCB among public schools – though Texas is a really good school too, so I’d recommend choosing based on fit. (academic, environmental, social, etc.).

But in this case, a degree at UT is going to cost you about $128k less. Call it $130+k, with all the travel home from Michigan. You can use that $130k for a hefty down payment on a house, car(s), traveling, grad school (maybe at Michigan…), or simply to sock away for retirement someday.

UT+Polymathic scholars, definitely.

Ask your parents if you can use part of the difference in costs for a math-based study abroad (Hungary offers those, Polytechnique or Imperial offer visiting student programs - check with the Polymath adviser whether that’d be possible and whether you’d transfer credits.)

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