University of Michigan Waitlist Class of 2025

@michaelscarn0110 @DarkSkye They’re all amazing options, problem is they’re all amazing so now we just gotta choose which one lol

@bloo511 @rbc2018 Yeah essays were definitely way more important this year. I realized too late that mine weren’t the best and I came up with like 5 better topics that I could’ve written them about :confused:. fingers crossed that Mich lets us in!

Hopefully we get in.

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Any international/ OOS students here? I got waitlisted but I am scared of the expensive fee that I have to pay if I get in… how do you guys afford it? My parents money can afford it but I am not sure if it’s a good idea to attend.

International here. Well for internationals, colleges can be very expensive a lot of the times. It is important for you and your family to decide whether or not to pay it or not. DO NOT GO IN DEBT IN ANY CASE. And if your family can BARELY pay college tuition, then perhaps it is better to attend a cheaper school. At the end, the University of Michigan is a great school but you can get a degree and make a living at any college you go.

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Just joined this group and reading thru good conversations. So hope I can get some advice as well.

My son was accepted in UIUC ( Electrical) honors and also in Purdue IBE ( Integrated Business & Engineering) in Honors College. He applied their as safety and doesn’t want to major in Comp Science ( yet) I am assuming he will get attracted once he attends some good courses on that subject in college.

We visited UIUC and spoke to existing students. They mention changing to Computer Engineering from Electrical is easy since the same department (ECE) .
For Changing to Comp science, need to maintain minimum of 3.7 GPA in first year and then 40% of those who apply for change to CS get accepted. I see UIUC CS is great program ranked #3. and ECE is ranked #5 . University takes AP Credits and allows students to accelerate and finish early as well.

He is waitlisted in (GTech, UMich, CMU, Cornell, NYU-Sterns, UNC Chappelhill). Particularly keen in CMU, Cornell, Gtech, Umich where mostly he applied for Math/Operations Research / Industrial Eng.

Would like to know if Math , Operations Research , Industrial Eng from CMU/Cornell/GTech/UMich make significant difference compared to Computer Engineering / Computer Science from UIUC ?

To be completely honest, and you might not like this uncertainty, you really just need to look into the specific programs that your son would like to participate in. I think the strongest essays I wrote were my supplements because I could say exactly what I would participate in and what I would do that is exclusive to the schools I applied to, and that said it made choosing which schools to hope for and aim towards easier to decide.

For example, I applied to Cornell with the hopes of possibly attending their CORALS program, a targetted research for environmental engineering, however it is a travel program to San Juan WA, and since I got into the Bio-engineering program at UW, I’d rather pay the smaller price for the similar opportunity you know?

Just check on what you’d be giving up for one option or another, or if one option is truly what you are looking for

Anyone know the stats for this year’s UMich waitlist (how many on it, etc)? I’m trying to figure out the odds of getting in off it. I know, low, but anyone know more detail?


Anyone know when decisions will start to come out?

Probably beginning after June

Last year they admitted about 1350 from waitlist

I think it’ll start mid-May once the enrollment deposit deadlines have passed so they get a feel for how many people are attending and how many more they need to fill their class. But it can go on until July or August

I’m on the waitlist too!

Me too man

I just checked the FAQ and it said that the final waitlist decisions are made by end of June (I’m assuming all is final by July 1)

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Purdue is a powerhouse for engineering ranked just as high as UM.

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Yeah I saw that as well but there were some instances of the waitlist continuing into July that I saw on Reddit and other blogs

Not gonna lie that is kind of ridiculous. UCB releases their final decisions by June 1st when they released waitlist decisions at the same time of UMich. Nothing I can do about it, but that is just… ridiculous.

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It’s April 13th.