University of Michigan

<p>Chances to University of Michigan (already turned in ap)</p>

<p>White Male from Missouri, at the state's best private school (among the best in the nation)
3.83 (out of 4) unweighted, taken most rigorous schedule (except math)
Class Rank: School does not rank, top 10 % definitely for test scores, somewhere around there for GPA
2200 SAT, 720 math 730 CR 750 writing, 33 ACT
national merit semifinalist
US History-800
Biology Eco-700
Math II-710
AP Tests
European History:4
US History-5
English Literature-4
ECs-Spanish scholar--Founder and President of the Spanish Club, "A" in Advanced/AP spanish since freshman year, inducted into foreign language honor society, gold medal on the National Spanish exam since freshman year, going to Spain this summer to study, volunteer at a head start program with Hispanic inner city kids during the summer.
President of the Campus Republicans
Staff Writer for the school newspaper
Model UN
Varsity soccer & golf</p>

<p>Already been chanced for these schools, but feel free to do it again:
Princeton (legacy)
Washington & Lee


<p>UMich doesn't care about your subject tests (although it'll look at them if you send them.)</p>

<p>You have a pretty good chance at getting into UMich. It's a pretty good match if you ask me.</p>

<p>Princeton (legacy)- 40%
Dartmouth- 45%
Duke- 50%
Williams- 50%
Vanderbilt- 75%
Washington & Lee- 85%
Colgate- 80%
UVa- 80%
Michigan- 85%</p>

<p>Thanks. Bump.</p>

<p>Do you really think I have a better chance at Dartmouth than Princeton? Oh, and bump.</p>

<p>If your parents were good alumni (donate, interview, etc) Princeton will be easier than Dartmouth, of not Dartmouth will be easier.</p>

<p>Yeah my Dad is pretty active and some other family members have done important stuff. Bump.</p>

<p>bump 10char</p>

<p>(sigh) bump</p>