University of Notre Dame Regular Decision 2022

Defered EA at Notre Dame. Waitlisted at washu. I just want some good news finally…

@ak9800 did you put your info in ?

U Chicago alum. Got married to fellow student on campus. U Chicago hospitals
saved my life. Raised my kids on U of C and they saw it as their dream school. Chicago will probably never admit any of them even though they’re qualified. And they’ll probably all go to our good state school instead and be happy there. All of this is to say that THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A DREAM SCHOOL. Anywhere you go will be your home if you want it to be.

@MEC1026 Yes, and it didn’t work, maybe it is just too early to be a reliable means of checking

/@ak9800 sorry to hear that. We had a problem w Chicago too AND I AM AN ALUM AND SO IS MY HUSBAND. You are worthy and you don’t need “a name” to validate yourself. Make wherever you go your home. :slight_smile:

Wait so decisions on Monday?

Looks like it,billy.

@Momcat1 cool, thanks. Got into WashU the other day, so I have some confidence, but I think ND may be higher on my list atm

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Was anyone else invited to the reilly spring visit program?

I was.

I was deferred EA and I am really starting to feel the nervous about decision day. Does anyone have any tips or insight on how to control these nerves over the next few days? I just keep telling myself that everything will turn out for the best, but sometimes that can be hard to believe.

@turntwo I understand completely! I was also deferred EA and I’ve wanted to attend Notre Dame since 7th grade. I honestly don’t know how I’m going to keep my cool over the next two/three days

I’m in the same boat as you two. So anxious

I’m so incredibly anxious for decision day as well - I was deferred EA, and Notre Dame is my dream school. One tip I have is to not obsessively check College Confidential, and especially not the confirm nd site. I know it’s difficult, I fell into that trap the first round, but it is really not worth it! I spent the hour before decisions freaking out and checking this site, and it honestly made me 10x more anxious.

I assume many on this thread have heard about the the confirm nd edu backdoor site to find out if you were accepted, and I would highly discourage it. I did that EA and saw the dreaded “id and birthday not found” message, so I spent the 20 minutes before decisions knowing that I didn’t get in but still hoping. It was miserable, and I wish I had just waited the extra 20 minutes to see the official portal letter.

First, if you are accepted, it will be extremely exciting to open the letter and see the “welcome home” message, rather than see the “would you like to enroll?” message on the backdoor site (ad hoping it’s not a technical glitch). And if you are rejected/waitlisted, I know from experience that the uncertainty of the confirm site is just miserable, and you will spend the 20 minutes before decisions wondering if they you really didn’t get in, or if they just haven’t entered your info into the system. I don’t know if it’s just me, but I would much rather a definitive decision than uncertainty!

So my personal plan for reducing stress (I don’t think there’s a possible way to eliminate it) is to get home from school and do a bit of homework, then take a nap/read/watch TV until 6:42. Don’t even go on the computer! Then at 6:42 check the portal and receive a decision. And know that if you got in, congratulations! You are extremely blessed to have the chance to attend such an amazing school as ND! And if you are rejected, God has a plan, and you will attend the school you are meant to and receive an amazing education.

Good luck to everyone, you all seem like amazing people, and I pray that we all receive good news on Monday! :slight_smile:

At this point, the best I can do is hope/pray for some sort of divine intercession to see me through. I’m trying to not get my hopes up; I’ve done that too many times before.

Does anyone know how many people Notre Dame typically defers in the EA round?

Decisions will be released tomorrow at 6:42 PM EST, if they follow previous years.

if you were emailed by the music department bc they were interested in ur work is it a good sign?

@starstruck001 Of course it’s a good sign—definitely not a bad one, especially if you received the email very recently.