University of Pennsylvania Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

Right? No I am not even there. Only halfway done with Duke/Dartmouth. Defo be grinding a whole lot more over winter unless im too heartbroken to do anything lol

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Do you know any other cracked applicants doing Penn ED CAS?

I have finals next week :smiling_face_with_tear::smiling_face_with_tear::smiling_face_with_tear: Thereā€™s no way Iā€™m getting anything done. Please, Penn you are my only hopeā€¦

Exactly, me too. I wish it came out sooner. Iā€™m not working on apps next week lol. I actually lost all hope + my brain cells when I learnt that Penn CAS competition = Wharton competition

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Like 7 kids from my school did Penn ED, including my best friend and boyfriend (15th is gonna be so emotional for us). But everyone is super competitive ā€“ nasa intern, multiple NPO founder, national poetry contest winner. Idrk anymore tbh


omffg, all CAS? Are you gonna ED2 UChicago

No, I think 3/4 are wharton, too.

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Are you gonna ED2 UChicago?

Nah, I donā€™t even like that school. My dad forced me to apply cuz itā€™s his alma mater.

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I might ED2 when I get rejected/defered from Penn


Iā€™m just gonna wait for RD if I donā€™t get into Penn.

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Did you hear that UChicago EDI app volume is higher than usual or something?

ComeOn guysā€¦ you are depressing each other deeper and deeper.

My son applied for M&T in RD and has an interview next week. He thinks if Penn doesnā€™t get him in, thats fine!

He is working on his startup with a British space tech company. No patents/papers/books etc - but lots of space hardware experience; Brits are convinced that this kids has more business ideas then their marketing teamā€¦ His involvement with Brits is on the same lines as the Y-Prize.


#1hummuslover not sure if your question answered, but MBA counts as legacy. And for legacy ED is quite important, applying RD is almost seen as negative (they think your parents are forcing you to apply). So you have decent chance. Transferring between the schools is not that common, itā€™s a hassle. Easier to do a dual degree, and probably more meaningful. CAS is easier to get in but not easy roughly acceptance rates might be 5% Engineering, 6% Wharton, 6-7% Nursing, and 9% CAS. Blended around 7-8%. CAS is not a slam dunk. Good luck.

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Wow, what makes SEAS more competitive than Wharton?

Oh, no doubt. Have those other apps ready to go, and you should already have some EA and RD apps submitted, as allowed.

Is that post from last year where you can see your decision if you go to PennKey Setup Code Service :: Welcome (
real or fake?

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ashh, that is a recent development, never was the case but now between CS being a hot major and startup fever (maybe that is dying down a bit so 2023 #s might be different), SEAS is pretty hot. Keep in min, when you are talking 5,6,7% they are all basically the same number. Out of a pool of 100, maybe 1-2 extra kids gets in.

It was pretty clear to me; lot more r/chanceme posts about uchicago ed than previous years