University of Pennsylvania Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

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Iā€™m sorry to hear that :confused: but with those stats, he will do great things wherever he goes!

Do you mind if I ask what school (College, Wharton, etc) he applied to?

Congrats to all who were admitted!

Now, a piece of advice: you will be offered two meal plan options. Take the one with more dining dollars.

Many of the options available for meal swipes are, well, grim. But hey, you didnā€™t choose Penn for the food, did you?


Just made my account; first reply ever!

Accepted SEAS
Asian male
35 act, 4.5 w, rank 5/455
Only 2 strong extracurriculars
Spike in math + ice hockey


Hello! Can you also send me the link? Thank you!

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Can you send me the link? Tia.

My son was deferred for SEAS, CS. 1590 SAT, 4.0 UW, rigorous transcript, AP Scholar with Distinction, NMSF, both parents legacy. Strong CS-focused ECs, essays, LORs. Fingers crossed for RD (acceptance rate for deferrals is 16% at Penn, so not out of the running yet).

If you were deferred or denied, donā€™t beat yourself up. Penn is truly a ā€œreachā€ for everyone. There are just not enough available spaces for all of the qualified applicants to attend.

Congrats to all who were accepted; youā€™ll love it at Penn. :heart:


Deferred with double legacy and those stats is crazy! Who are they accepting? Canā€™t even tell any longer. The black box is getting blacker.


Any stats from Penn on results this year?


No specific numbers yet. Just this entry from the admissions blog:

Welcoming the first members of the Class of 2027


Hello Amy - your son has impressive credentials. Did you hear back on the admission status? I wish you and your son the best

My kid is quadruple legacy, GPA 4.5 W, 35 ACT, rigorous classes, all 5s on APs,stellar LOCs, strong essays, and Iā€™m a long-time alumni interviewer. My kid was deferred on Thursday.

It almost seems like the university made a choice to defer (and not accept) legacies in ED round this year. This ED cycle also had an incredibly high rejection (not deferral) rate this year.


whoa, thatā€™s insaneā€“maybe it has to do with the new dean? Iā€™ve heard sheā€™s cracking down on legacy admits. not sure though because I think I had legacy (parents did MBA at wharton) and I got in on Thursday.


seems more hit and miss this cycle (1/8 from my school and admit was legacy although he was a good student)

Has Penn shared deferral rates?

Sorry to hear this, your kid has incredible stats regardless of legacy. All the best for RD.


Do you know how many were deferred and are there any stats by the school within Penn? Which school was your kid deferred from?

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That is not entirely true. I know a few kids from three different schools who were legacy and who got in. I know that doesnā€™t help you but wanted to correct the misinformation. Good luck :crossed_fingers:

Not sure. But someone on Reddit today shared the acceptance rate for ED this year (15%), compared to last year (15.6%). Surprisingly, not that much of a difference.

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Yes, but that math is based on the only two data points available right now: the number of ED applicants and the number of ED admits. I donā€™t think anyone outside of Pennā€™s administration has any numbers on the rates of deferrals or rejections from this ED round.