University of Pittsburgh Class of 2027 Official Discussion Thread

did anyone else just get one of those “link to admissions documents” emails? I have only gotten those around when my decision and scholarship came out (within a 2ish day range).


Yes. But no new documents.


so weird. I just emailed asking if that meant honors will come out early…when I asked they said march 1


My daughter also got the email, but no new documents. The last document was from October, so really nothing new!!


My thoughts on that email is that it was just a delayed email following the financial aid offers sent this week. But I could be wrong. :upside_down_face:

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i don’t think so…i didn’t apply

did anyone who got that email apply for honors?

Yes, my daughter applied for honors and did not apply for financial aid.


My daughter didn’t apply for financial aid either, but she did get a letter this week with the details of her merit scholarship (which she initially received back in October or November) and listing nothing else. It was discussed earlier in this thread as people were getting their letters on Thursday or so. The reason I figured it could be this path is since that seems to have been the path things followed in this cycle.

My daughter did apply to honors tho as well.


Also honors and we are also full-pay less some merit. No financial aid.


My D also received the email this afternoon.
Applied to honors but did not apply for F/A.

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@Merimom23 @Kathryn_Pierce @mom2023SF bht did any of you get the Financial Aid Offer email on Thursday or sometime later this week? My daughter did but it only listed the university scholarship and the engineering scholarship we already knew she had. It listed 0 financial aid and we wouldn’t expect any as we didn’t file for any. I know others in this thread got that email this week as well but some of them listed some new grants.

The only email she received from Pitt this week re f/a was today. When she checked her portal after getting email, there weren’t any new docs.


This is the first email my daughter has received from Pitt (besides marketing/admitted student day emails) since October.


Probably better to unsubscribe from the emails or filter them to a folder.


Well no matter, honors decisions will be out within the next 10 days. It’s really not that long no matter if it’s this week or next. Good luck to everyone!


Good morning! Anyone else here at Pitt for Admitted students day?! :blush::hugs::blush::hugs:

No, my kid is going next month, but please give us a detailed report!

I’m not going next month but I’m interested to hear if there are ways to meet with individual depts./heads of depts, things like that – during what I imagine is a very structured day.

Thank you and have a great time!


Will do!

I hope your son enjoys his day on campus!