University of Pittsburgh Class of 2028 Official Discussion Thread

Great info you got here. We are disappointed as my S24 is totally set for DPT and Pitt. Not sure if they maintain waitlist for that. I guess many high stats applicants treat Pitt as backup no matter they get GAP or not. Also maintaining 3.5 GPA is pretty challenging as well. I know some program only requires 3.0 or so. Even not accepted in GAP, I think overall Pitt is still very strong in rehabilitation science field and will definitely learn a lot as Pre-PT here.

Here is the first response I received. They did tell me decision in spring. I don’t know why there are different answers.

Just got back from admitted student day. It was ok, but not necessary if you have already visited. No new information from our initial visit a year ago. Maybe my expectations were too high, but I expected a little more detail and maybe a little more celebration/hoopla as we experienced with our older daughter when we went to admitted student days with her at different schools.


Definitely not a lot of information or hoopla today. I was hoping for hoopla as my S24 is at Pitt A LOT with his siblings being there. They didn’t even offer a free meal at Market like they usually do, lol. We were hoping more majors and student activities would have been represented but they were not. We did not learn anything that we didn’t already know. It didn’t help that it was snowing and freezing.


Didn’t they have the confetti machine and photos going at this admitted students day? Maybe tvey wait for the spring to have those. My current Pitt student went to a March admitted students day and there was a lot of hoopla, but maybe they ramp that up as the year goes on.

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Thanks for the info. I think we can pass admitted student date as we have visited in April this year. I was hoping there is more major specific information in admitted student date.

In the past, the admitted students day broke out by school after a general presentation. How useful the breakout was depended on the school. CBA was helpful and sufficiently specific for my daughter; Dietrich, which is large with diverse majors, was far less informative for her friend.

they also told me that i should see in my document center a separate letter.

They mentioned those for the students who committed already and wanted to use them. I didn’t see much fan fare overall. Only a couple a schools had breakout sessions, there were no break out sessions for the Dietrich majors, just an overall presentation. It was a good presentation actually, hearing from a popular Prof and another one talking about research. The event just needed more Dietrich major reps and other activities besides the band :slight_smile:

Band? How did we miss the band???

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At admitted students days a few years back (S18) the students that committed could ring a bell in Alumni Hall

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Band had a small table in the back right hand corner in Alumni hall. Yeah, they were barely visible. lol.

We want hoopla and the Pitt Band!!! Lol

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Son applied 10/25/23. Acceptance letter dated 11/17/23 (3.5 weeks after applying!) posted in Documents center (which is a separate link from application portal) which my son found just out of curiosity on Thanksgiving - Pitt didn’t send an email about acceptance until today 11/29/23 (12 days after posting the acceptance letter). So check the Documents center proactively!

Stats: NY. 89 unweighted average. 5APs, 2 dual enrollment, 6 Honors courses. Applying as liberal arts undecided and Army ROTC. Sports participation and work experience.


Sorry I left out some stats: 1430 SAT, competitive public high school, did not demonstrate interest.

As a parent with no access to kid’s emails, portals, etc. and a general policy to not pester them about this stuff, can you say more about this please? Like, would they definitely know about this Documents center and how to access it?

is admission timelines different for different schools? I see students getting admitted who applied after us. No news here yet. Is that a sign ?

My understanding is there are in fact various committees working on different timelines, and while obviously they can’t consider an application they haven’t received, they are otherwise not committed to first-come, first-serve.

So I would personally not worry at all about other students getting decisions quicker.

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My son needed help finding it - he said Pitt is less straightforward than other schools- there was nothing on the front page of the portal that was obvious that any decision had been made and no link to the document center from there. It turned out out that in the first email he got with the subject “activate your Pitt applicant account” there is a link to both the Portal and the Document center. So have your child look at that email from Pitt and the link is there.

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Have you guys tried to redeem the socks and beanie yet? We entered in the code given and it says it doesn’t exisit!

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Interesting…we checked in online as directed on Monday during the presentation and my DS received an email today saying something like “sorry you werent able to make it this week.” Overall I was left feeling very unimpressed with the activities and presentations and felt that it seemed to be very disorganized.