University of Pittsburgh Class of 2028 Official Discussion Thread

I didn’t realize we had to do anything with a code. I thought they just automatically sent them to any admitted student that checked in for the event. I may have heard wrong.

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That was also my understanding.

Didn’t know about a code either. Sounded like if your kid responded to the the sign-in text they would be receiving them.

Kid got an email from Admissions with a link to the Pitt store and a code to order the set.

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And looking more closely at the page that opens up from the link it says claim your package by 8/20223. So I’m guessing they sent an old link and code from last year. Humph

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Interesting. Do you mind sharing the subject line of the email? My daughter didn’t mention anything like that to me, but honestly, she’s been missing a lot of emails in general lately.

The subject was: Dear ____, ready to commit to Pitt?

Thank you! Of course now I’m debating whether to just let the kid wait for the actual admissions email so as to have that experience.

Same here! We emailed admissions…

Seems rare that anyone posts non acceptance decisions on CC. So here is one. Son 3.5 unweighted GPA, 1270 SAT, multi sport, good EXC, work experience etc. Not accepted. Applied 10/15. Received letter with admission only to Greensburg on 11-21. Good news is that he was admitted to Michigan State and has 9 more decisions to go. Just wanted you to know that not everyone on CC gets in! Good luck to all!


It would be so great if more people did that–thank you!

Also congrats to him on Michigan State!


Thanks. Starting a trend, I hope. Not all of our kids on here are academic superstars with 4.0+ / 1500. And they will still be ok!


Congrats on Michigan State. That’s a great school. And good luck with your other 9!


Many a lot more than OK, in fact. I know so many professionals who are really good at their jobs without every being a top student in any of their schools. But they often did get a good education, they were just more or less normal students in terms of grades. So eventually you learn that the people getting a lot, or indeed the most, value out of their educations are not necessarily the people with the 4.0s.

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Thank you for posting this. I have been wondering about this, as S26 will have similar stats as your son. Would you mind also sharing the school and major? Congrats on the early acceptance!

Absolutely! Academic performance (e.g., straight A’s) or where you went for undergrad is not the only indicator of workplace/professional success. It is not always a case of where you go but what you do with your degree. (Most Fortune 500 CEOs didn’t attend Ivy League colleges | Fortune)


Congratulations on Michigan State!! Great school!

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Amazing how many people do not grok this.

ETA: I would also say that this similar to why colleges, even the highly rejective ones, reject plenty of applicants from HS with 4.0/1600 academic credentials.


Here is the link to the documents center by the way - my son said he actually googled how to see pitt admissions decision to find this bcs it wasn’t clear in the portal:
Scroll down to " Viewing Your Decision"

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Oh wow thanks. Question though for clarity: kids still otherwise receive a results email (or an email telling them to log into the portal for results) correct?