University of Rochester Early Assurance

<p>Is this program binding or nonbinding?? and is it only available/eligible for certain colleges?</p>

<p>It’s binding program and acceptees may not apply elsewhere. There are 8 slots offered each year and are available only to students at certain partner schools.</p>

<p>The REMS Program is NOT binding. The students can and sometimes do apply out.</p>

<p>Rochester has 4 different types of admissions: Early Decision I and II (both binding), Early Notification (non-binding) and Regular Decision (non-binding).</p>

<p>This is the first year for Early Notification. There is no “Early Assurance.”</p>

<p>Early assurance is NOT the same thing as REMS. (Or any other UR undergrad admissions option.) It’s a different program entirely.</p>

<p>Early assurance students (from colleges that are NOT UR) apply to the medical school at the end of sophomore year. If they are accepted into the program, they are guaranteed a spot at UR-SOM and do not have to take the MCAT. The program is fairly new (<4 years old). It was piloted at a few of UR-SOM “feeder” schools over the past 2-3 years and was expanded to include 10 undergrad colleges last year.</p>

<p>8-10 students are accepted each year.</p>

<p>The program is binding and students pay a substantial deposit/fee to hold their place at UR-SOM until they graduate. Applying out voids the agreement and the acceptance is revoked and the deposit is forfeited. (It can also be revoked if the student fails to maintain certain academic standards. In that case, the deposit is refunded.)</p>

<p>Specific info about the UR-SOM Early Assurance program is here:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Sounds like an interesting program. Where can I find the list of feeder schools for this?</p>

<p>Not sure if a full list is available. I know it’s offered at the following schools: Middlebury, Williams, Swarthmore, Colgate, Xavier University of Louisiana, and Hunter College (NYC).</p>

<p>Not sure what the other four are. (But judging from the list, I’d venture they’re either in NY state, a top LAC or top HBCU.) You could contact the EA program director at UR-SOM&D and ask. Or ask at your pre-health professions advisor’s office–if your school has a partnership, they’ll have the info.</p>

<p>any Idea if Cornell University is on that list?</p>

<p>There is Priority Review with notification on Feb 15th</p>

<p>Please use old threads for information only.</p>

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