Hello Everyone!
I was just accepted to the University of Rochester! So with that said, I am starting this thread to communicate with others who have been accepted as well to start bonding as the new entering class! Here lets discuss transfer stats, financial aid,majors, transferring statuses, and housing plans! But don’t me wrong, anyone is free to comment.
Hey, thurr :D. Nice job starting this one, as I’m sure people wonder whether or not there are even transfers to URochester due to the almost non existent discussions of such people. I’m not 100% set on U of R, but:
GPA: 2.4 at my first ever college, Took some time off, served in my other motherland’s country’s army.
And, 4.0 at the current institution I am attending
Financial Aid: pending, just sent in the additional documentations they wanted
Schools Accepted: UIUC, Binghamton
Schools I’m waiting on: Columbia, Boston University
Housing: haven’t looked into it yet, but apparently I’m still required to live on campus, so we’ll see.
By the way, do any of y’all know how the housing process works? Because I don’t mind which building I live in, as long as I get a room to myself, and if I’m put into a room with another student, is there a way I can appeal the decision and simply live off campus?
Excellant stats @jml0310 ! I am also waiting to hear back in regards of financial aid, but I most likely will be attending the University of Rochester in the Fall. What do you plan on majoring there? For housing, I am not sure, you may have to send the deposit it in order to begin that process for on campus housing. But I would call to confirm.
@gmChemie best of luck to you! Is the University of Rochester your first choice?
I’m committed to coming in the fall! Rochester is actually the only school I applied to this time around. I was awarded the Rush Rhees scholarship and I’m really glad everything worked out–Rochester has been my dream school all along
I had a 4.0 at my former institution to add to all my application materials from senior year of high school, which they still had on file in admission). I’m an English major and I’m going to do the language, media, and communication track at Rochester. I’m also planning on minoring in French. I’m hoping to get on campus housing so I’ll enter the lottery once they send me the materials!
How long did you guys/girls wait on your application, that got accepted? Oddly enough, my application has been waiting for quite a while now, close to almost two months. I called the offices and the deadline just seemed to be retroactively extending to some degree, haha.
I don’t know about Rochester specifically, but for the current university i go to they also require freshmen to stay on campus. I never actually submitted a housing request of any sort, and there was no reprimanding for my actions. For some other people I know, they just talked to the financial aid office people and told them its more feasible to stay off-campus and they agreed.
Hope that helped!
Hi, guys! I’m a Rochester native and my dream has always been to attend UofR. I had some personal issues that forced me to forgo jumping straight into the University of Rochester so I attended another college for my first year. I’m awaiting word on whether or not I get in but I am super nervous! Here are my stats:
GPA: 4.0 both semesters of my first year (this past year) of college
hs GPA is not too bad but not the best
SAT scores not submitted
extracurriculars: current volunteer at 5 different places in Rochester including RMSC, and docent at Susan B. Anthony House & Museum, organizing fellow for the local division of a presidential campaign, chair of a committee for a non-profit
I would love to double major in their Archaeology, Technology and Historical Structures degree and Anthropology. Ever since I was a child I’ve always wanted to become an archaeologist.
I’ll be commuting but I live nearby so (upon admission) I’ll still be able to join extracurricular activities through U of R.
@tizzfinn Your stats and your extracurricular activities are strong! Did you display your passions in you essays? If yes I hope to see you in the fall for 2016! 
@Poloman123 I feel like I did- I hope the admissions committee feels that I did haha! I hope to see you in the fall as well!!
@tizzfinn ! Any word back? I hope you got accepted! I just submitted my deposit two day ago and am excited to here what is next? Any word from you all who are transferring to the U of R this Fall?
My brother just got accepted! Anyone receive a financial aid package yet?
Hey, guys! I just got my acceptance yesterday! My gpa at my current university is 3.75 and I want to double major in Chemistry and East Asian Studies. I definitely want to go, but I’m wondering is anybody else has heard back about financial aid yet? That’s definitely going to have to play a role in the decision.
I received my acceptance letter today!! Hooray! How long did it take for everyone to get their financial aid package? I’m hoping no longer than a week for mine.
YAY CONGRATS @tizzfinn ! It took me a few weeks to receive a FA package. Is Rochester your #1?
@Poloman123 THANKS & CONGRATS to you too!!! And oh okay, I’m still unsure whether or not I will live at home or on campus, are you living on campus? And if so, do you know which housing areas transfers most likely dorm in? Yes Rochester is my #1 and I am now committed!!!
WOO! That is fantastic! Haha, and thanks. I will be living on campus, but have yet to hear back on where I have been placed. I know transfers who are not freshman have upperclassmen choices, but there are a few exceptions. I chose the quad as my first pick. Fingers crossed I get it! In addition, did you get an email in regards of an alumni DC summer send off? I am going, and hope to see you and others who have committed to Rochester.
Have any of you received your housing information yet? I got mine via email last night!
I still have not!
But where will you be staying if I may ask? I requested the Quad. Fingers grossed I get it.
I got put in Towers (Anderson to be exact) in a center double.