<p>Age: 17
Asian Male
<p>State: California</p>
<p>SAT Reasoning: 1860
SAT CR: 640
SAT M: 610
SAT W: 610</p>
<p>ACT w/ Writing: 25 (planning to retake possibly Dec.)</p>
<p>European History AP: 2
US History AP: 2
English Literature and Composition AP: 3</p>
<p>3.555 weighted GPA.
Top 25% of class.</p>
<p>Star Distinguished Student
National German Award Level 3</p>
<p>Sergeant at Arms of KIWIN'S.
President of KIWIN'S. (A community service club)</p>
<p>CSF 3 Semesters</p>
<p>I earned the National German Award for scoring an 81 on the Level 3 test. I am one the few who won the award.</p>
<p>Piano Lessons for 10 years.
Guitar for 3 years.</p>
<p>Associate Computer Technician - 1 year
Crew Member - 1 month</p>
<p>Applying for jobs now. (Planning to donate my money to charity)</p>
<p>Major interested in: International Business</p>
<p>Current Classes:
English 4
Environmental Science AP
Econ AP
Statistics AP
German 4 AP</p>