University of San Diego Class of 2026 Admissions

Thanks for sharing, @Katie_Juran.

Look at the USD thread for admissions last year…its bananas literally people got admission emails at 11:55pm on 3/31 and 1:05am om 4/1. Many parents said their kids had already accepted offers from Cal, UCSB, Davis etc.

They have so many less applications to go through and their application is 1/2 the size of the UC’s and for them to drag it out like that is beyond acceptable. Lots of parents (even of admitted kids) had a bad taste in their mouth. I was t5hikning they’d fix it for this year but clearly that is not the case.

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I agree. I read through last years cycle and it was a hot mess. It seems like this year is moving along the same path which is crazy


maybe they are low on people working on admission decisions. That’s the only reason I’d think a CA private school would delay getting out a decision till after the UC’s.

there sure seems to be a lot that are still “ready for review”. Not sure if this is a good or bad???

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Did anyone else get the email about the Multicultural Experience Day? I am not sure what the deal is/what it’s like with this but it seems like a good opportunity


My daughter got one too, but I’m not sure what it’s all about and how it’s different from any of the other admitted student events.

I would agree getting them out before UC is an advantage. Early in process my son really favored UCSB and UCLA. I favored USD, Santa Clara and Pepperdine. I get a much more personal vibe in my dealings over the last year with Admissions, Financial Aid, ROTC, and basically every dept. from the private schools. Acceptances and a financial aid award from all 3 of the private schools BEFORE UC came out kind of made it possible for him to decide. He got accepted to UCLA Friday night and basically said his mind was already made up for USD. I am sure it would be stressful and hectic if he did not have the private schools before the UC schools. We are from PA and I think he just wanted some to know where his home was going to be the next 4 years. USD has been super helpful.


Hoping more admissions are released today. My child’s portal still shows ready for review. I feel like odds are higher for waitlist or denial.


I agree. It is hard when it’s the last one. Mine is moving towards committing to Santa Clara or Loyola but would like to still keep USD in mind since he was impressed with his tour.

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ours still says complete-ready for review as well. Ready for this process to be complete.

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Same. USD is my daughters first choice so this process has been very hard. Trying to keep the positive energy out there, but I’m so ready for an answer. Good luck and stay sane!


My child just checked portal and has Admitted now under Applicant on left side and it now says Committee Review.

Good luck everyone!

Congratulations, @CMCHX4
Its good to know they are still issuing admit decisions this late in the month.

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Took a few minutes for the portal to actually update between committee review status change and admitted showing up, during which my heart almost stopped, but my daughter also just got in! This process is still the worst.

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just changed to committee review. Nothing else showing yet

ours just changed from under review to committee review. not showing anything else yet

Not sure exactly how long the delay was, but as USD top school for my kid I’ve been checking portal relatively fanatically today…delay was at least 5 minutes, but could have been up to an hour. No email notification yet.

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Where are merit awards shown in the portal?

thanks. fingers corssed. sons top choice. usd football offered him a grey shirt (join team in spring) if he gets in.