University of San Diego Class of 2026 Admissions

Does anyone have an idea how long the wait is when your portal status changes from Committee Review to a “decision”?

my goodness, my son’s still says “complete - ready for review”! How much longer is this going to go on!!!


Me too :frowning:


not a clue. still says committee review and nothing else.

Same for my D.

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Hopefully this is more like a 2 day review, and not a week long review. Fingers crossed for all of us.

The process is terrible! My daughter will be pulling for your son…she’s at a Catholic Girls school, and is ready to be in a CO-ED environment.

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Can i get a vote on this committee???

I like the way you think, @patbrown1974! Stay strong.

Does Committee Review just come up when you click More Info?

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yes. about an hour ago ours changed from received-under review to committee review

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Gotcha thank you. Wishing you good vibes and at least you got a status change!

Not sure it is a good thing as long as it has been stuck in committee review. Thanks and good luck to you

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Did you hear anything yet

Not a peep. But today is only his first day with the changed status in his portal. Makes me wonder is USD changing the portal status only once a week?

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I noticed the portal has the date received for two of his items after 12/15. He had everything turned in by 12/15 to the common app. Any idea if the delay in the downloading would have caused his app to be pushed to Late Decision? It looks like his letter of rec and transcript were “received” on 1/5 and 1/8. That’s so odd.

Makes me wonder. Seems like many others posted that as soon as it changed to committee review it also changed to accepted. Ours is now under committee review but nothing showing accepted yet. Good luck to you

I tried to figure that out using this years user posts, but its not easy.

Mine still says “Complete-Ready for review”


Good news, bad news. My daughter learned last week she was in. But no merit, confirmed by admissions team. She’s been awarded merit at every other school she applied to (7), so Im a bit shell shocked. Even Santa Clara offered her a scholarship, and they are notorious for favoring need based vs merit aid. 3.86 UW GPA, app. 4.26 weighted. Good letter of rec, hundreds of volunteer hours, good EC, lead in school play. She has offers of 100k in merit, but this is by far her first choice. We’re pretty gutted. Fingers crossed for all of you.