University of San Diego Class of 2026 Admissions

That’s such a bummer especially with those stats. I’m in the same boat, except not even accepted yet. Stats a bit lower but have gotten high merit awards already from similar and higher ranked schools. All I can think is that they do not see me as a good fit for their school.

No results here yet either. My daughter has strong stats (#1/650 in her class, 4.0 unweighted, all AP, tons of leadership, great letters of rec.) so we remain hopeful for an acceptance. Fingers crossed for all who are waiting! Congrats to others who have been admitted!

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Easy for me to say but your D sounds like a slam dunk for admission. Unless they are trying to yield protect and think she will take those excellent stats to another school.


Anybody know how many applicants this year?

14,000, per the scholarship letter my daughter got yesterday.

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I’m really surprised. Is there a way to ask them to reconsider? Her stats sound similar to my daughter’s and she received Trustee’s of 21K per year. This whole process seems so random to me! Your daughter sounds amazing, I am sure she will end up somewhere great!

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I agree!! Something seems wrong. My son received the Presidents Award of $18k per year. Do you think it has anything to do with regional locations? Do they try to get a certain percentage of students split amongst regions? Like if they have not as many from a certain region they try to entice them with merit offers, and regions with larger application #s maybe its harder to get?

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I wouldn’t think as we are from N.C. We did view USD as a little bit of a wildcard because she homeschooled grades 11 and 12 and USD is test blind. But her homeschool classes were all online APs and Dual Enrollment. I think test scores are more important for homeschoolers and USD was the only test blind school she applied to. The other possibility is that she may not have been convincing in her supplemental essays, though she felt like this was her best application because 1) it was one of the few schools she officially toured, 2) she loved it, and 3) it was one of her last applications submitted so she’d done a lot of fine tuning by then.

She’s crafting an email asking for reconsideration.


The fin aid office didn’t seem to know what my DS was getting. Don’t give up just because they said that. I spoke to them to and no info. Days later he was Alcala winner. Today he woke up to another email saying his award was updated. He had a USD grant the was substantial. Hang in there. I used my personal email for apps so I don’t need to count on him to catch emails.


when is the next wave of acceptance going out? Is it only once a week?


Hi everyone! I attended a USD information session a few days ago, so heres the information I can provide on applications this year. The admissions counselor said that they are releasing decisions weekly (which leads me to presume that they are releasing a bunch once a week) and that merit is released all month long, not just at the beginning. I received my acceptance this past Monday along with the presidential scholarship. Also keep in mind that I received my acceptance on Monday and my scholarship on Wednesday, so if you have received your acceptance but no scholarship yet, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you didn’t receive merit! I hope this helps!


Call the financial aid office and negotiate. Sounds like an amazing student they would be lucky to have - let them know she can’t go without some type of aide.

Are you sure? We haven’t received any notification? So we haven’t checked the portal. Is this for 2022?

Does anyone have experience with the USD Grant and what typical award amounts are?

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We were first wave, found out on the 1st. Merit aid. Last name begins with a K

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My son received the Presidential $18k, the USD Grant $21k, and the California top 9% award $9220. last year and was notified on 3/16.


Wow. That makes USD a bargain. I assume he enrolled?

Yes, he did.

How is he liking it?

He’s loving it. He said the teachers are incredible.