University of St. Andrews in Scotland -- Class of 2024

Adventure begins tomorrow…leaving for StAs tomorrow and entering quarantine at University Hall on Monday…Longshot question…room number begins with “WC” is this indicative of Wardlaw or Whitehorn (or even Lumsden)? Will find out on Monday, but would love to know sooner…thanks

Good luck!

Wardlaw it is! Huge room, top floor, with exception of 1 night (being vegan the egg salad sandwich did not go well…but it was straightened out). Only complaint is that this Hall offers sooooo much, with the exception of an elevator - oof

Good exercise!

My oldest son is presently attending St Andrews, class of '23. He submitted via the common app on May 1st after accepting a US school offer. He received an unconditional offer four weeks later. He went to visit the end of June and immediately decided St Andrews was for him. He can not be any happier. 2nd son is applying for 2021. Both of my sons knew/know what they would like to study; therefore, there was no dilemma. I agree that the UK system is not for those students who do not know yet what they want to Major in. I can’t entirely agree with the comment that your personal statement should relate to what you are applying to study. My son’s personal statement had absolutely nothing to do with his interests of study. His essay was very emotional, describing a challenging time he faced and how he overcame it. He received a handwritten note from an Admission Director at one of the top Liberal Arts school, which offered him admission, telling him how much he enjoyed reading it.

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Be careful about applying your son’s experience more generally: he applied to StAs- the most US-style UK university, via the CommonApp. A student applying to Oxbridge, UCL, Imperial, LSE, Durham via UCAS who doesn’t relate their PS to the subject they are applying to study is likely to scupper their application.

How is it going? My son is interested in applying.

My son is interested in St Andrews. We visited it last June. He is only a sophomore. What SAT scores should he be aiming for?