University of Tennessee Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

My daughter was admitted to her second choice major during EA while they reviewed her for the college of nursing. She checked her portal today and her major had been changed to nursing. She did not receive any email letting her know of the update. So, make sure your students are checking their portal.

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We are the same - if you want Nursing you want Nursing so a second choice does not make ANY sense for us whatsoever.

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Congratulations, that’s great! My kid was also admitted to 2nd choice, waiting on nursing, but the portal hasn’t changed. We will keep checking with fingers crossed.

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Same here no change

Maybe a silly question, were grades just reported in the common app or did they also need to be entered into the school’s site? Thanks

If you’re talking midterm grades, your school should’ve sent them to any colleges that your child applied to
 I check my sons applications that are still outstanding, and noticed that our school sent midterm grades to them. I did notice on my sons UTK application portal that midterm grades were sent and received

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Does it depend on the college? I broke down and paid the $4 from Parchment for a few of my son’s schools. However, it appeared some of them automatically got them and some didn’t, unless they all did and it’s a function of their application portals. My son’s high school also seems to indicate requests need to go through Parchment. :man_shrugging:t2:

I don’t know Parchment - but I checked the College Board/Common App site this morning and it shows that mid-term grades were submitted/downloaded to them (so the school counselor did their part, at least for my town). How quickly the college downloads from College Board and then integrates those updates into their final review? No idea. Unfortunately some school portals are better than others at showing the level of documentation received.

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Thank you! I now see the “mid-year report” under the counselor section of the common app. Looks like all of my son’s schools downloaded it as well. Oh well. Hopefully I get all of this right by the time my next and final child goes through this three years from now!

Quick question was the UTK Calculated Core GPA* on your GoVols Portal complete before you received a decision ? Our is still blank

to clarify the Calculated Self-Reported Core GPA is complete
the UTK Calculated Core GPA is blank

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My sons was as well and he was accepted during EA


In my DS, UTK Calculated was never populated with anything - the only thing that populated was the Calculated Self Reported. Accepted EA.

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Same. Kid was accepted EA. The UTK Calculated Core GPA was, is, and likely will remain blank. Never had anything in there.

The only thing that was ever populated was the Calculated Self-Reported Core GPA, which was calc’d off the SRAR input.

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He applied in early November, I believe he self reported on the common app then the school sent his transcript, which contained first three years of high school

Same with my son. Still blank.

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My daughter was deferred and reached out to admissions this week to confirm that they’d received her mid-year report because it wasn’t appearing in the documents list on the portal. In the reply the rep said, “Please remember you should receive your admissions decision mid-February or the 2nd week in March.” Disheartening because the portal still says mid-February.

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UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. the wait. we were deferreed too this is our last to hear from

oh man, where’s the 2nd week in March coming from?

She doesn’t want to reply to ask, and honestly, not sure we even want to know at this point! Maybe he means she’ll be waitlisted? I can’t imagine applying in October, then waiting through a deferral and a waitlist, but I’m sure plenty of kids do it.

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Thank you. My son’s in the same boat. He’d be devasted. :crossed_fingers:t2: