University of Tennessee Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

3.93 UW 4.3 W
1370 SAT
AP Scholar
Dual Enrollment, APs, IBs, Honors
ECs, volunteer hours, work and 4 year varsity sport/Captain


Does anyone know if Nursing decisions will also be coming out tonight or if that will be a separate announcement?

Last year they accepted some nursing into second major and deferred nursing decision to regular decision


Did you check under the Resources tab for the ‘Decline Admission’ button and you don’t have it - furthest right next to GPA & Test? Just want to make sure we are looking in the same place. Thx.

Correct. Unfortunately, it’s not there. Not losing hope. Maybe they’re loaded throughout the day by college.

Out of desperation, allow me to ask this: are you looking at mobile or desktop version?

We noticed it showed up this morning as well.

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Desktop version

Have the decline admission button using desktop.

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Our daughter’s are almost identical, 31 ACT instead of SAT

Well, I have twins and one has the decline option and the other does not. I hope they are loading throughout the day.

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I had heard that Nursing acceptances aren’t included in the normal Early Action decisions, that you always have to wait until February. You could get into the school, but not nursing, in December. Do you know if that is true?

are their stats similar? are you TN or OOS? Thanks

OOS, one had a 3.8 and the other a 4.1


Ugh. Hoping they are updating throughout the day for you. A split decision would be very bittersweet.

My D has it too.

4.2 wgpa
33 ACT
APs or honors
Leadership on a 4 yr sport

Should we assume the 4.1 has the button? I wish I didn’t know about the button!


yes, your assumption is correct. This stinks.


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Are their stats different?