University of Tennessee Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

Yes, a 3.82 and a 4.1

Sorry. That’s rough. Maybe it doesn’t mean what we all think it does. As an identical twin myself, though, I can say, even though we were different students, way back then, we both wound up where we should! But hopefully, this is just a random thing. Good luck!


Totally. It could mean nothing and we are all reading into it. Is it both your twins first choice?

Has anybody not had buttons earlier, then had buttons appear? Should we hold out any hope?

Yes, this is what they did last year

Bummer. Waiting until February is brutal

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Nursing OOS 3.9UW , active EMT cadet, Catpain of teams, other ECs - we have the decline button!!

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I feel is process has turned me into a pessimist. My D does not have the button, so I am preparing her for a deferral. This will be the 6th deferral

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Just based on the stats here, IF we are correct about the “button”, it would seem it’s completely stats based for EA. Weighted GPA cut off and test score cut off.


DD has the button - 1400 SAT, 4.24 wGPA, 5 AP, all honors

I am sorry your D is going through this. Where has she been deferred from?

I know. TBH, I’m not really holding out hope. I told my DD about this and prepared her. This will be her 4th deferrall and no acceptances yet. This and another one from earlier today were both safeties for her, so this is unexpected.

We have the decline button.

OOS Nursing
1410 SAT
3.9/4.37 GPA
2 APs
All other honors

I might be a little off on the gpa’s and I don’t want to ask her again :rofl:

It definitely looks that way. I warned my DD that this is not holistic admissions, at least in this round, but her college counselor was confident it would be fine.

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DS has the button
4.2 W
1350 SAT


fourth deferral for my son too
on the positive side, senioritis won’t be kicking in anytime soon.


Does the withdrawal button show on a mobile device? Mine doesn’t have a button- 1400 SAT, 4.2 GPA and 7 AP

Yes, it shows on the mobile too.

Is the weighted GPA everyone is posting the calculated UT GPA?

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Yes for us