University of Texas @ Austin Class of 2025 After you've been accepted....Q&A

Yes. The CAP acceptance date is 2/12/21.

Engineer Honors application roll call: please click on the details button on your Honors tab and let us know what it says. My son’s has jargon about lots of applications and the need to review his application again before making a decision by March 1. Someone else on the other thread mentioned the term “deferral”. Have there been any acceptances?


My son is a UT RA, Senate member, Orientation Advisor, etc…I can tell you that they will probably NOT have any admitted student events, as he is still waiting to hear if orientation will be virtual or in person this summer. So, I wouldn’t expect anything. That said, UT is awesome. Quality education at a great price. Warm weather. I don’t know what schools you are comparing it to, but your daughter is lucky to have been admitted, as apparently the admissions process was brutal this year. If you have any questions, feel free to DM me. Besides my UT23 son, I have an daughter who was admitted for UT25 for public health. Son is also in the LAHonors program, so I have insight on that, too

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NOPE. Waiting…

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Same jargon here too.

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Same wording

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Same information…waiting on snail mail

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How did your son get the RA job?

My daughter got an email tonight saying to check ‘MyStatus’ because there was new information. Except we can’t find any new information! I thought it might be an honors decision, but nope. EDIT: I think it was a message saying that the honors decision will be by March 1 (because of so many applications).

We got the same email…couldn’t find anything new either…financial aid site crash…think maybe everyone getting the same email tried to get in?? Will try again later

My DS was admitted on Jan 15th and hasn’t received the acceptance package (letter) in the mail. Have you?

Thanks for the applying for housing tip…

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Son got the same thing. I think it’s the delayed email from last night changes, honors deferral.

My daughter was admitted on December 10. I remember her getting her acceptance package in the mail in early January.

Thank you

If I didn’t get the email telling me to check my status, does that mean i didn’t get into the honors program i applied for? i also don’t see anything in the details section about decisions being postponed it just says in review

They have an application process in the fall. First, there is a lengthy application. That is followed by an interview(s). Then wait for the selection. He was actually “waitlisted” at first (like he was an alternate) but ended up getting a spot! I think he enjoys it…I know I sure do (when I don’t have to pay for room and board!). Plus, RAs get paid, too, in addition to their free housing! WOOHOO

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Did you apply before November 1? I get the impression the message was sent to those people to let them know the honors decision would not be coming out by Feb. 1. If you applied after that then there would be no need for the message.

I applied priority and I got the email but no change in Honors, so not sure what the email was for

We will be looking into this, thank you!