University of Texas Canfield Business Honors Program Class of 2025 - UT BHP

I wouldn’t be surprised if its into February like in past years. My son is priority but I don’t see how they can call everyone and change portals on 100 people in one day. Total admits were 262 last year


exactly what im thinking too! my bet is that for AAs that got into the program, they already got their calls and it’s updated for them (as indicated by a few people in this thread). non-AAs and OOS will come throughout this week.

I don’t think the AAs already got in. At least I hope not


oof i hope they didn’t release all AA acceptances yet😭

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How many enroll in CBHP vs total McCombs? I’d guess that UT just picks best available without regard to AA. Forty Acres seems to heavily skew in-state.

ahh sorry if i scared yall with the AA statement. I only said that because I have two friends in Texas who got in already and there were people in this thread who also did. UT really needs to have some sort of schedule for release!

CBHP has around 120-150 people per year. McCombs is about 1600 students total. And yes, CBHP is of course best available, my statement was more that because AA got their acceptances a week or two before everyone else, some people got their CBHP earlier. Again, nothing is confirmed!!

Yes, I agree about Canfield being about 120-150 students per year but they extend offers to around 250 in order to get that yield. Many people who get into Canfield also get offers from more prestigious schools.

My son was not an AA and got admitted to McCombs December 10, interviewed a couple of weeks ago.

Yes, forty acres is heavy Texas students, and they usually have an ideal BHP class. With the large Canfield donation 2 years ago, I think funds became available to accept a larger class beginning with last year as well as to take more transfers into BHP as the sophomore class had a lot of transfers into BHP from straight McCombs which is not usually the case if I recall correctly. So, even if you don’t get in the first go around, it’s not over.

And @100lbdog is correct. Many BHP students have different schools to choose from or ones they view as more prestigious. In some cases they may not be better programs, but they just want to get out of Texas if they’re a resident. Or they’re offered scholarships to attend elsewhere.

Just hang in there. McCombs is great with or without BHP.


CBHP emailed you saying we will hear back today right?

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Update : I emailed CBHP and asked them about decisions. They said if we applied priority, we can expect an update in our portals by the end of the day today.


oh so they might not call… wow that’s very different.

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Praying that there are more ACCEPTANCES today.


i mean there has to be. Because based off the amount of people who have gotten in there still needs to be alot more acceptances.


Last year there were 3 days of acceptances. One in December, one in mid January, and one in January end.

I’m pretty sure there’s only been one day of notifications this year so hopefully more acceptances today as well, like you said. CBHP said there will be decisions today for sure - I just hope there are acceptances.


If I recall correctly, they call if you’re in, they do not call if you’re rejected from BHP.

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yeah i know they call lol but someone on this forum said they would update your portal today no matter what. And there is no way they call around a 100 people in one day. I mean they might be able to but we are just assuming at this point. I am just gonna chill till decision time.

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In last year’s forums there have been people who got in and only their portals updated, and they got no calls.

All in all, we’re all just speculating bc we’re stressed hahaha. We will all find out by the end of the day if we applied priority.

Good luck to everyone!


True, but they’ve also already accepted a bunch and not everyone is on CC.


Can you please post your daughters profile ?