University of Washington, Seattle Waitlist 2025

That sucks. I also heard it’s pretty difficult to switch into the more competitive majors/schools like CS and Eng if accepted.

I want to go into nursing if I get accepted off the waitlist. And as far as I know it’s a pre-major. Do you think I can still do prerequisites for nursing if I get accepted ?

Thanks. Does every applicant who gets rejected get a chance to be on the waitlist or is waitlist offered only to a select few? Understand it is not ranked.

Seems like most majors are capacity constrained except Humanities and Social sciences. So wonder what undeclared leads to.

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by any chance do you have the link?

No, when we received the admissions decision it stayed we were waitlisted. People who got rejected cannot be on the waitlist.

I wish I did, but like the thousands of other useful tidbits I’ve read on college websites, I cannot find it again :frowning:

Capacity constrained just means you need to apply to the department, not that you can’t get it. But it’s competitive, you will need a strong GPA, write an essay and undertake activities related to your desired major in your first two years to get in. If you don’t want to go through that again in 1-2 years, you should find a university with an easier path to get into a major.

Sounds like you have to “re-apply to college”. All the stress and anxiety of getting accepted as a freshman…then having to do it all over again. But, it’s worth it. UW is the #1 public university in the world.


Is there any way to know how many students are on the waitlist? Do they just take students first come first serve off the list?

I was also wondering about this.

My D is still shedding tears over this today. 3.97, two sports a year every year, student mentor, teacher assistant at a preschool for over a year and still couldn’t get in in-state. It breaks my heart.

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Students have until April 1 to join the waitlist so I would think any stats before then would be useless. Maybe they will publish after that time?

that is so tough to hear. My best wishes with her. What degree did she apply to? My son is in the same boat.

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Thank you! Psychology. She is stronger in every way from her sister who got in last year so it is hitting hard. Only difference is she didn’t take the SAT. We tried 3x. I hope we get in because otherwise we may be paying UC out-of-state tuition. :frowning:

I’m sorry to hear your daughter is in tears. It’s so hard for parents to watch. My daughter is also taking it hard. It’s a struggle for them to figure out what to do if they don’t get in off the waitlist. Mine was graduating a year early, but we may decide not to to get another year of running start, but she is so tired of online community college classes. She’s not interested in UW Bothell. She is also thinking if she take a few more math classes next year, maybe she could get into a UC school as well. But yes, the OOS tuition would hurt.


Got into UC Santa Barbara but waitlisted at UW :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
(both as an economics major)


What the heck?

That’s what I’m saying!!!

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Wow the same thing happened to me but I got into UC Irvine instead. This is quite frustrating