University of wisconsin admission rescind chances

I got into University of Wisconsin Madison in college of letters and science. However, my senior year result came yesterday and I got a D in Math
D in Chemistry
E in Physics

I have done high school from Pakistan and the grading system is A*, A, B, C, D, and E grades are pass. and an F is fail.

I’m worried if they’ll rescind my offer of admission because at the time of my admission, I had never got less than a B in any of my classes in my previous 3 years of high school. They were mostly a mixture of As and Bs throughout those 3 years. Please tell me how my chances look weaken this time because this was a drastic change in my grades. Maybe the same ‘senioritis’ happened to me as I became confident that my admission was “secured”

Please help me, I’m feeling depressed and worried.

Relax- unless you get notice. You might get a warning letter as some have reported here in the past. Don’t worry about it. Do be concerned about WHY you did so poorly your senior year. Be sure you have better study habits in the fall. It is easy to be overwhelmed with all of the freedom of college. Attend all classes and keep up with homework assignments. Far less time spent in the classroom and much more time expected outside it for doing problem sets, writing, reviewing material… Keep up daily- do not put off for the weekend et al. Be caught up before you consider social activities. Use TA/professor office hours if you don’t understand something.

They accepted you based on an academic record with grades no lower than a B. Now you have two D’s and one E.

UW-Madison is extremely competitive, especially for international and out-of-state students. I wouldn’t be surprised if you do receive a rescind letter. There are hundreds of students wait-listed who would love to take your spot.

I know I sound mean but there are several similar posts to this one and it’s irritating. Citing a case of “senioritis” is not an excuse for students GPA’s to do a freefall after gaining acceptance to college. If offers are rescinded, it’s no less than they deserve…and that’s exactly what I’d tell my own kid. Yes, we all make mistakes. On the other hand, we learn by suffering the consequences of those mistakes.

But- unless he hears otherwise this student is still accepted. Nothing to do now except to stop worrying and realize he has to toe the line and not goof off like this year. IF admission taken away let that be a lesson learned. I know my own, gifted kid who had dissed slackers had lesser grades senior year (a few C’s with 5’s on AP exams). He was bored and did not do busy work… he also needed to go to college- underage for travel et al. The important thing is to get your act together.

This is a good thread for this fall’s seniors to read. Be warned- senior year DOES count, even the second semester.