university of wisconsin business school

Hi, I am wondering how hard is it to transfer to the Wisconsin School of Business directly from university of wisconsin?

How are your grades?

@NASA2014 I am currently still in high school and my grades rn wouldn’t get me into the business school

About 90% of current Wisconsin BBA students gain admission through the pre-business process.

^To clarify: that does not mean 90% of applicants are admitted.

Your use of the word “transfer” is confusing.

Are you talking about going to MATC or UW-LaCrosse for your first 1-2 years of college and then transferring into UW-Madison’s School of Business?

Or do you mean getting into UW straight from high school with a pre-business intention in the College of Letters & Science, and then applying to the School of Business by March of your freshman year to be admitted for the next fall?

Admission Quick Facts

That’s very true @Madison85. My son and I toured the Business School about a month ago. If I remember correctly, I believe the number that they gave for number of students admitted out of the number of students that apply came to about 60%.

Also @NASA2014, if you took a lot of business courses in HS and were involved in business clubs (FBLA, DECCA, etc), that is very helpful. The impression that they gave was that direct admits into the Business School are not based as much on grades (since your grades were already good enough to get admitted to UW in general) as it is based on your “business path” in HS and an essay that is required when you apply to the business school. All incoming pre-business freshmen are invited to apply as a direct admit.

There were some very low admit-rate years in the past 5-10 years but Dean Francois Ortalo-Magne has increased the size of the business school due to higher demand from both employers and students. Most recently, the admit rate was 73.74%!

[Quote=UW-Madison School of Business FAQs]
Approximately 60% of all students who apply will be admitted to the program. The average cumulative GPA of all admits is typically around a 3.5. Visit our Quick Facts to see more in-depth statistics on our pre-business admission process by admit year.

From the Bus Sch FAQs, when you go deeper – last year was 74%, year before 71%. Also increased the number of students admitted these years compared with 2013 when acceptance rate was 61%. The killer course is Econ they say. The advice is to get a 4-5 on AP Econ to avoid its terror.

I remember some semesters before 2010 when it was in the 30% to 50% range for admits.

@Madison85 I’m currently still in high school and my grades aren’t good enough for the business school; if i wanna transfer to the business school, do you suggest that I should to apply for the College of Letters & Science in the college app?