University of Wisconsin Chemical Engineering

Needing some thoughts on this…My son was accepted to UW (ranked 8th) and Purdue (Ranked 12th) where he would study Chemical Engineering and University of Tennessee where he would study Nuclear Engineering (UT ranked 5th in Nuke). After visits to all three schools, we eliminated UW and determined that it would not be worth paying the premium OOS tuition to go to Madison over paying in-state for Purdue if he decided on Chemical. Tennessee has offered him enough $$$ to make UT and Purdue virtually the same amount, but UW seems extra stingy.

The day we returned from our trip to Madison, he received a letter congratulating him on direct admission to the Department of Chemical Engineering at UW. We got the impression that this was a big deal and not normal for an incoming freshman. That being said, is it worth me calling Madison and asking for money, or are they just too stingy. We made efforts to meet with Chem. Eng personnel on our visit, but had little response.

And just a quick plug for UT…on our visit, Nuclear Engineering Department Head and other personnel spent four hours with us discussing the program and their relationship with The Oak Ridge National Lab, visiting classes, talking with faculty, touring labs and talking with current undergrad and grad students. Could not have been any nicer and informative. I could happy in Orange!

Any thoughts out there?

Congrats to your son, I understand that IS a big deal – my kid is at UW, and direct admits to any engineering department are not common, and Chem Engineering, I have been told is one of UW’s top departments within College of Engineering. Most students are applying after freshman year into their department of choice at Engineering, and it is very high stress for them (though my kid is not in engineering, many of his friends are). To be a direct admit into the program of your choice is a big step.

As for the money, however, that is not likely to change significantly. UW does not do automatic scholarships etc based on grades or other stats. There may be some departmental scholarships available, and that is worth pursuing.

Only you and your family can decide whether there might be a scenario in which UW is worth the OOS money. Madison is a great college town, great school spirit. Winters are much tougher than Indy, that’s for sure (we are also from IN and my kid says winters are longer and colder).

Congrats on your son on some fabulous choices!

No, it’s not worth the extra money. You already know about Purdue’s great reputation. And UTK engineering, with its connections to Oak Ridge, is very good as well. Also, there is a lot of new construction going on at UTK engineering.

Not worth paying extra money for UW. Congrats on the direct admit- never heard of it. But- unless the department comes up with money do not count on any scholarship/merit funds. Now he needs to figure out which major is most interesting and has the greatest long term job prospects.

Weather in southern WI or northwest IN isn’t that much different. Snow, not ice, more common in winter compared to southern IN. But- finances, not weather, is the determining factor here. Your lucky son will enjoy his college and get a great education at any of his choices.

UW doesn’t have to give merit to attract bright students, IMHO. The UW System is looking at $300 million in potential budget cuts as well. The money just isn’t there.

Did you try the NPC?

Thanks to all for the responses and guidance. Kinda confirmed what I thought…UW is stingy! Certainly don’t hold that against them. It’s great school and the only game big game in town in WI. Throw in the reciprocal with MINN and it comes down to simple supply and demand. Might end up singing Rocky Top. The Oak Ridge Lab is a heck of a resource…Thanks again.

“Stingy”. Why on earth do people figure they’re owed a paid college education in a place they have never contributed anything to? UW doesn’t need to pay students to come.

Stingy, yes as a Wisconsin taxpayer I am stingy with my tax dollars. Why should I give you my hard-earned money? What have you given to the State of Wisconsin?

UW has plenty of other kids, like myself, that would give almost anything to go there. The reputation alone attracts their students, they don’t need to force taxpayers to hand over all this extra money, especially in the wake of the $300 million in potential budget cuts the system is facing, to attract out of state students who won’t go there unless they get money for it.