HELP ME DECIDE! UW Madison vs UT Austin?

<p>So I'm doing Chemical Engineering and have narrowed down my schools to these two.</p>

<p>I've been thinking about it for weeks and can't seem to decide which one to commit far the only difference that I can think of is the weather...and I'm fine with both (extreme cold vs extreme heat) As for the academics...they're both ranked next to each other in the top 10 Chem Eng. programs so there's not much difference in that either...</p>

<p>So now I'm looking for advice on which institution I, what makes UW-Madison such an awesome school (and if possible, IN COMPARISON to UT...)?</p>

<p>Thanks, :}</p>

<p>Also, take out the aspect of cost too!</p>

<p>Are you for sure in Chem Eng at UT or do you have to apply after taking some pre-reqs at Wisc? That could be a difference. (I’m trying to steer you one way or another, just looking at any potential differences.)</p>

<p>I don’t have first hand experience with the Wisc Chem eng major, but it’s obviously highly regarded. If you are confident in your ability to perform well Fresh year, depending on competition, you should make it in.</p>

<p>Yeah, I’m in the school of engineering for both schools but for UT I’m admitted as a Chem Eng major already…however with UWisc, they have me in the school of engineering and as a potential chem major but I have to APPLY as a chem eng major after freshman year or something…even so, I’m pretty confident that I’ll make it.</p>

<p>The biggest difference outside weather is UT is in Texas and that is a very distinct and powerful culture. Non-texans can feel out of it or you convert. Madison is more geo-diverse and Wisconsin culture is less formidable. Have lived in both towns during and right after college. Both are great. I bought boots when I moved to Austin but they are no longer as required.</p>

<p>UW very liberal. As above- Texas is Texas. Don’t worry about getting into your engineering program at UW- do the work, get the grades and you should do fine (if you don’t you should rethink your plans no matter where you are).</p>

<p>As freshmen, you will be in the College of Engineering. You will apply to an engineering department in semester 3 or 4. There is more demand than open slots for the Department of Chemical Engineering. The past few semesters the average math/science GPA for admission to Chemical Engineering has been 3.3 to 3.4. That is average math/science GPA not the minimum GPA. Other engineering departments will take a lower math/science GPA as long as it is above 2.5. The math/science GPA is based your grades in Calculus, Chemist try and Physics.</p>

<p>Not to go too off-topic but as “fierce” as Texas culture is, I think Wisconsin has a little bit of that going on as well–hence the overexaggerated but still present “Sconnie vs. Coastie” situation. </p>

<p>Wisconsinites love their booze, brats, and cheese. They don’t want to hear any complaining about snow, and they resent any comments made about them being simpletons.</p>

<p>Don’t even get me (a Bears fan) started on the whole Packers thing…</p>

<p>EDIT: But I should add that I see this as a good thing. I mean, who wants to live in a state where the locals aren’t proud of their culture?</p>

<p>On the whole culture debate. Both states are very proud of who they are. I would say Texas goes a little over the top, with the whole it’s always bigger in Texas thing. Wisconsinites or “Sconnies” are just very proud of the state, we just don’t have the reputation that Texas has. Sconnies just don’t like it when people cut down our state, especially those who have never stepped a foot in Wisconsin. I’ve lived in Arizona and attend Arizona State, I’m transferring to UW-Madison next year. West coast people especially in California are generally those types of people. I’ve had to defend my home state quite a bit. UW-Madison is a great school, but so is UT-Austin. Sconnies are some the most welcoming people you’ll meet. We enjoy being laid back and having a good time. If you like doing that, I’m sure you’ll fit in just fine. Good Luck.</p>

<p>Wis75 says: “UW very liberal. As above- Texas is Texas.”</p>

<p>Respectfully, this makes no sense. Austin and Madison are both liberal cities, and UW-Madison, and UT-Austin are both very liberal universities. And it’s UW, not UT, which has the coastie/sconnie (i.e. nonacceptance of outsiders) problem.</p>

<p>Lived in both place and like them both.</p>

<p>Both are great schools for Chem Engineering. There is very little difference on academics. The only thing is whether you like TX BBQ or Wisconsin Brats.</p>

<p>Makes me wonder why the most common thing I heard in Austin was–we don’t care how you Yankees did it up north. Of course Nova never lived in Madison and Austin as I have.</p>

<p>Again- nova doesn’t have any knowledge of UW except that gleaned from the internet plus a mission to point out the bad about UW. Sour grapes from a past rejection?</p>

<p>Two very different climates and cultures- shows not all liberals or liberal places are alike in all ways. You’re posting on the UW thread- expect us to love it.</p>

<p>Just so we are clear - no sour grapes here. We do have substantial knowledge of UW, including having lived in Madison. Turned down UW. Not rejected.</p>