University of Wisconsin Madison 2023 Deferrals

Starting a thread for people who were just deferred to UW-M for fall 2019.

Daughter deferred UW - M engineering. OOS - CA (ACT: 32 GPA 4.2W). Not sure what the secret sauce is because she was accepted at UMinn and UMich, deferred now Wisconsin and outright denied UIUC.

Son deferred from Business School - Finance Major
OOS Florida
11 AICE credits at graduation
Rigorous senior year
1310 SAT
Guess is he is only mid-tier for the highly competitive business school.

Daughter deferred. Does anyone know if UW is rolling admissions for deferrals between now snd RD enrollment? Or is it definitely an admission waiting game after RD apps are processed in Feb?

Wow @bayareaparent53. I hear you on the “secret sauce” factor. My daughter also deferred - engineering. 32 ACT and 4.0W. Average EC/service and “eh” Why, Wisconsin essay, supposedly. However accepted EA to UIUC engineering (in-state), so we’re pretty happy with that option in place. I’m sure everything will work out. Congrats on that UM admit; that’s a tough one!

I think deferrals go into the regular admission pool with notifications in mid-March.

Yes- back in the pool. Those weighted grades do not tell the whole story- unweighted gpa more meaningful. Retired to Florida and it drives me crazy to see the gpa’s reported for vals/sals every spring. Depending on how many AP/IB classes are available and how grades are calculated in the same school district they have ranged from a 5+ to a 7+ on a 4.0 scale. Son’s WI district did not weight grades (or do +/-). Once wondered what his gpa would have been adding in all of those honors/AP factors. Then there is the sheer number of credits earned- that would fall into the holistic and not just numbers driven aspect of admissions.