University of Wisconsin Madison EA Class of 2023

Today’s tweet wrote
“We are working to get our decisions out as soon as possible and our decisions will be released for Freshman Early Action by the end of December. Hang in there!”

Remember to click on “tweets and replies”. Right now they are not tweeting anything out on their own but replying to other tweets asking about decisions.

Do you think it’ll be tonight?

@collegegirl14321 - no.

I wonder how much revenue gets lost by the schools holding decisions so late - I know the parents who already got answers at other schools are loading under the tree up with college gear for the whole family…

It’s a trade-off. If they release too early they also risk a whole lot of kids rescinding admission as they get into ED/EA elsewhere. Waiting until the end of this week will allow some applicants to withdraw and others who might otherwise have been deferred to take their place.

Well one can only hope they’ll release it in 8 minutes lol

UChicago just released its early action and early decisions a couple hours ago. Highly doubtful University of Wisconsin will release anything tonight. End of the week is more likely.

One can only hope…

another day of waiting…


It should come out the same time as Michigan

@hugebuns why do you say?

i heard dec 21.

Why would I withdraw my application say I was accepted at UIUC for example? What is the upside of withdrawing and what is the downside of not doing so?

Where did you hear that from?

@dumroo - you wouldn’t. You would pull your app. if you accepted were ED at NU or UChicago or Carleton, or Penn, or Columbia . . . .

addendum/explanation: pulling the app. from other institutions is what you agree to when you apply ED. For those who have been given FA it’s possible to wait as you receive and review your packet. Most who do ED are full-pay so would need to pull those apps immediately.

wow I have been anxiously checking my application portal, and I can’t wait any longer. anyone know what day last year the decisions were released?

@plzzadmitme: they were released beginning Friday 12/15 and throughout that weekend.

@dumroo - ED and EA are different but a lot of people confuse them still. ED means “If i get accepted I am coming here over anywhere else for sure no discussion”

When my son was applying to Miami (OH) I triple checked to make sure he didn’t click the wrong button…