University of Wisconsin Madison EA Class of 2023

Sorry, it’s hard keeping all the acronyms straight. I definitely meant Madison, not Milwaukee. I do hope he is wrong, but he’s usually very knowledgeable and knows all of the admissions people well. Maybe he said it so she wouldn’t stress on it anymore this week - who knows.

Do notifications come only by mail, or do they send emails/update on the admissions website as well?

Everyone will get an email to check their admissions portal and that’s where they will see the decision.

After Christmas? What gives?

Don’t come on here and claim to know when decisions are coming out without specific proof. Its annoying!!

Michigan came out today if that means anything

Do these stats have a good chance of getting in. 31 ACT, GPA: 91.69. High Honor roll, with grades being on an upwards trajectory. 3 APs with 2 4s and a 5. A ton of extra CC. President of 3 clubs. I also wrote an amazing, and very detailed specific essay.

@applesausebause Are you in-state or out of state?

Out-of-state, but from a public school with a great reputation

Someone a day or two about was posting about typical scores of out of state students in previous years but I can’t seem to find it. Hopefully whoever it was will chime in. It’s definitely more challenging for out of state people.

Found the discussion. It was in this thread:


2 years ago our out of state (GA) son was admitted to Mechanical Engineering with 28 ACT. High Math and Science (mid-30’s). Last year our daughter was admitted to the School of Education with a 31. I’d talk about HS grades but their school didn’t use a Point scale and instead used percentages so hard to transcribe.





@acd123 I think I heard last year from kids the portal was updated and the emails actually came a few hours later…the letter comes after that

@ahas2201 - check the naviance for your particular school, that is the best way to see!! In state vs out of state also makes a difference.

Theres another thread talking about chances. This is to keep updated on admissions decisions @ahas2201

ok thank you!