University of Wisconsin Madison EA Class of 2023

What are the odds they come out tonight or tomorrow. I know friday is more likely but i cannot wait any longer!!

At this point, Iā€™m not thinking they will be ready by Friday. This is all speculation, of course.

This is not fun at allā€¦ cmon Bucky

Weā€™ll find out in 2 minutes

Another day of waiting

No later than Friday

I think it will be Fridayā€¦(based on nothing really!) ā€“ go deferred from Michigan, would really love positive news from Wisconsin :slight_smile:

anyone know where it will say the decision on the portal? i donā€™t know how to navigate it well.

@user2023user19 youā€™ll know when you log in. IIRC itā€™s probably the box over on the right hand side - the one that currently says that your application will be reviewed by an admissions counselor. There will either be a link or the decision will be there (canā€™t recall which). If need be, others will help direct you once the decisions are posted.

No way Madison loses out on all the social media Christmas posts of kids expressing ā€œthe best Christmas gift everā€. I am still betting on Friday. As our counselor said, Madison has everyone wrapped around their little fingerā€¦if that isnā€™t the truthā€¦

@ahas2201 If you want to follow this thread, click on the star in the upper right corner, no need to type a .

^CAmom01 - agree. There will be a whole lot of sad, but the alternative is for pretty much EVERYONE to blame Madison for ruining their Christmas by deferring news (good or bad). Better to know sooner rather than later.

The end is near, one way or another. I am embracing the idea of finality. Friday works perfectly for our family, sandwiched between two birthdays, still allowing for healing or celebrating to be focused on only one child that day, haha! Like it ever works out that way, right?!

Friday, Dec. 21 makes sense because no one from admissions will be working Dec. 22-31. Iā€™m sure the pressure is on to get this wrapped up before Christmas break. My prediction is Friday afternoon/evening.

is the likelihood of tonight out of the picture? would love to hear some good news after being deferred!

@OffToSomeU - they would likely work through the weekend as waves get released (assuming that this happens this weekend . . . ). Then everyone would take 24 - 25 off. Full time would return 26 - 28 and then get 31 - 1 off, returning Jan. 2nd. This estimate is based on nothing but common sense and standard holiday schedules that prevailed when I worked for a living so . . . no inside track on information. Sorry. On that front, UW-Madison admissions might have other reasons for waiting till next week that none of us has been privy to yet.

Did you receive something? I havenā€™t gotten any sort of email.


MODERATORā€™S NOTE: If you see a user with just a couple of posts who claims to know something that everyone else doesnā€™t, PLEASE use some common sense and realize theyā€™re spamming. Itā€™s best to report their post and ignore them. Donā€™t feed the spammers!

I had to delete about 13 posts, most of them from panicked users.

@MaineLonghorn thank you so much we thought that was true