University of Wisconsin Madison EA Class of 2023

@JBStillFlying I also received the request for e-communication when accessing my financial aid page. I can’t personally confirm whether these changes are new or not but earlier @goose15 said he had noticed the same changes and that they were new and he hadn’t previously seen them or something along those lines

@JBStillFlying the ecommunications thing was the item I mentioned we had to select tonight to view anything financial aid related and that for sure was new for us.

@welpthatscool i honestly don’t think it’s anything to worry about. At this point, this is all speculation. I think we can hopefully expect to see something tomorrow, but I don’t think any of the smaller details noticed today reveal much about decision outcome

Goodnight Bucky Nation

The school, major, financial aid status all changed from earlier today. Confirmed.

Stuff like FA pages changing . . . that just means the system is waking up to handle the first round of decisions, not necesarily that some were admitted and some not. Wouldn’t worry too much about stuff like that. If you haven’t noticed a change yet, it might be because decisions are coming out in waves. Switches to other colleges and majors might actually mean something, however. No reason to be messing with that. Unless there’s a glitch. So for those with Bus. or Eng.: keep an eye on your major to see what happens and whether it’s switching. Another thing to track would be that weird change from “Action” to “Notification” - does that means something else on the portal - like your major, for instance - changed? This sleuthing will assist future application rounds.

^ Thank you @arhswims. That’s helpful to know!

my intended field of study changed from mechanical engineering (!st choice) to economics (2nd Choice). Does this mean if I am accepted it would be as an economics major??? this is really strange.

Looks like that. For me too, changed to 2nd choice (Computer Sc in Letter & Sc) from Comp Engg in COE.

Has anyone gotten any updates for early action decisions?

What are your stats?

what’s oos?

out of state and not minnesota

Out of state

Every decision my son has gotten so far came through portal first and email hours to days later.

OOS - no change.

If I have a 1380 sat and a 3.9 gpa. Good essay and lots of ecs. Also sent in my first quarter grades and had a 4.2 gpa that quarter. Chances??

Also I am oos^^

OOS - No change in portal.
any idea about the decision date?

@collegelifeeeee - if you have applied EA they might not be looking at those first quarter grades yet so check your portal to see if they’ve logged the transcript. Everyone who is admitted or deferred will be instructed to self-report first term grades. You should follow those instructions to ensure that they will count - even if it appears they have already viewed them.