University of Wisconsin Madison EA Class of 2023

Thanks. But other than that what do you think my chances are @JBStillFlying

It shouldn’t bear repeating because the information was discussed extensively yesterday on this thread and is there for all to read . . but if you are just joining the conversation for the first time and haven’t taken the 10 min. or so to get up to date:

There were some changes to the Student Center portals yesterday. The most significant seemed to be on the Fall Application page where Intended Field of Study for some students changed to their second choice major. This seemed to affect the Bus. and Eng. applicants the most. It is not yet determinate as to what that means exactly. Other changes: Financial Aid portal up and running (for instance, they’ve posted our family’s EFC) and some applicants actually had a change to the wording about receiving a decision; Early Action was changed to Early Notification. What this means is that the system is getting ready to generate decisions, but we have no idea when that will occur exactly (other than by Dec. 31).

Hopefully more posters will report in today as to other changes.

@collegelifeeee: Who knows? Decent GPA but you didn’t specify whether it’s uw or w - also course of study unknown. You will find out soon enough. Patience.

@JBStillFlying I am worried about the FA part not changing (no data loaded) for us since we are both MN,although encouraged that College (Business didn’t)

Running very low on patience lol. My school doesn’t do unweighted. Also I’m going undecided

@collegelifeeeee - my son’s HS doesn’t do UW either. But it’s possible to calculate that using the following numerical values for grades: A=4, A-=3.67, B+=3.33, B=3, and so on. Weight each by credits earned (for most a daily course will be 1 credit, a part-time course will be half a credit), add it up and divide by number of credits earned. Do all of that and report back here or PM me and I’ll give you my very un-expert thoughts.

Addendum: you can’t PM as you don’t have enough posts (min. of 15). So just post it here. It’ll give us all something to do while waiting LOL.

@CAmom01: not sure what to say - did you/your D submit a FAFSA? I’ll PM you my thoughts. No use speculating wildly.

@JBStillFlying Thanks, I didn’t know that was an option either :slight_smile: Yes, filed, but maybe I should check to make sure all that was done properly.

@CAmom01 - you can check your FAFSA report to make sure the code is correct etc. If it is, they most likely have it on file.

I really hope tonight is the night

What time has it historically been released? I think it’s been all over the place correct? I’m holding out for 3pm ET!

My portal switched back from “first notification period” to “early action period”

Same here. Was ‘first notification period’ now back to ‘early action period’.

My portal had switched from “early action period” to “first notification period,” but it switched back, and my second choice of major remained. Any thoughts as to what this could mean?

Where does it state “Early Action” or “First Notification” Where under Student Center?

It means they are still prepping the accounts! Keep watching today and report changes you do know for sure.

mimi wong, it’s next to the notifications panel in the student panel. if it says early action it will be a couple sentences

where is everyone seeing EA vs. EN? I am in Student Center and don’t see it. Thanks!

I think they will start sending notifications at 5pm today. They will be closed for break at that point and students/parents won’t be able call the office with questions/complaints once notifications are sent.

I contacted the chancellors and Powers-Knapp scholarship department yesterday and they said that all their scholarship decisions will be finalized today (but won’t be released until after the holidays) so that may mean that admission for UW decisions will also be done and finalized today and ready to be released sometime today. Hope this helps.