University of Wisconsin Madison EA Class of 2023

@goose15 I didnt have it there before and now i do too.


@badgers810 technically (not specific to UW at all) it doesnā€™t have to go down to push an update like this but I think they are running and older version of peoplesoft so it they may just to be safe.

You guys Iā€™ll bet the UW system wants to update everyoneā€™s status with a decision but it canā€™t get in because everyoneā€™s too busy adding courses to their schedule and paying off their tuition early :))


@jbstillflying do you recall in past if someone didnā€™t get in to the first choice - during EA announcements would they admit them to their second choice school or simply defer until closer to actual regular admission?

@HHSMomx2 - no clue! When my D applied two years ago it seemed that a lot got deferred early. They may be admitting more to 2nd choice in the early cycle than they did in prior years but really thatā€™s just speculation. Whatā€™s interesting is the amount of ā€œlead timeā€ everyoneā€™s getting. Donā€™t recall being able to snoop around the Student Center like this in the past. Applicants seem to have a 24 hour heads up on 2nd choice admission now.

@jbstillflying when we met with the biz school for our tour they mentioned they would be doing the majority via direct admit for the first time compared to years past. Maybe that change also has something to do with it?

Agree the swap to secondary major is really intriguing to meā€¦

My portal is down

As painful as the waiting is, everyoneā€™s posts today and yesterday are helping me get thru this! Thanks to all!

on the main myuw page before you click over to ā€œstudent centerā€ i have an extra tile now - there was 4 now there are 5. I donā€™t recall seeing one for ā€œadvising resourcesā€ before. When you click on it it takes you to the undergraduate advising portal.

Did I miss that before?

Crossing our fingers itā€™s in 29 minutes!

@mimi wong - I think I am more nervous than my son! How many schools do you have left to hear from?

Luckily Iā€™m 4 for 4 right now so even if I donā€™t get into wisco (dream school since 3 years old) itā€™s not the end of the world

@HHSMomx2 - not sure but the stuff on there reminds me of the stuff available just to enrolled students. Even if someoneā€™s accepted Iā€™m surprised stuff like Handshake and career advising is accessible before enrollment!

I am looking at the new added 5th column. If you look at the HTML source.

The code for that space reads:

I donā€™t know what it means

@HHSMomx2 Noticed that today too! Wasnā€™t sure if I had just missed it beforeā€¦ Looking into this portal stuff has my mind playing tricks on me LOL

Is no change to portal a bad sign?

Did these changes last year equate with being admitted? A few friends who applied with higher stats than me all have them but I donā€™tā€¦ Iā€™m so scared

I donā€™t think Iā€™ve had any changes to my portalā€¦ getting kind of nervous