University of Wisconsin Madison EA Class of 2023

Hi. New to this site. We are OOS. My daughter has a 34 ACT and an UW gpa of 4.6. Got deferred at U of Michigan. She really loves the dance program at Wisconsin. I believe she applied undeclared w a minor or certificate in dance. Feeling nervous as her essays could’ve been better and I’m wondering if she’ll be deferred bc she’s OOS.


@hinande - hopefully all will be known soon.

my portal is down

@hinande - she has great stats! Hopefully we will all hear in just a bit

yeah my portal took forever to load but still no news :frowning:

Are decisions not coming out then?

@littledrose it still isn’t 7 :slight_smile:

Does anyone find it weird how so many people are being admitted to their second choice majors/schools? I hope this isn’t accurate

When you all click on the “Advising Resources” box, does it say anything ?

@hinande my son also deferred to Michigan oos with a 36 act 4.0 unweighted gpa, 11 aps, 1560 sat…crazy

That’s normal for someone like that to get deferred. Michigan assumes it’s their safety.

His UW gpa can not be above 4.0…his average is a 96% overall top 2% at a very competitive all boys private school class of 419

If he went into his guidance counselor and told them to call admissions and say it was his top choice he would get in

I heard that Michigan had an absurd number of applicants so they just starting deferring people, I was deferred as well.

Three of the smartest kids in my grade got deferred… they defer exceptional grades because they assume it is their safety.

This is so stressful. Most of the school is closed over the holidays, so releasing results today would make sense…

Michigan defers a HUGE percentage of their EA applicants. I have a son there now, and more than one of his roommates were deferred EA, with great stats and presumably solid essays. They are (obviously) there now. Michigan admits a lot of deferred EA applicants on a rolling basis from Feb through April.

There is a thread called Michigan Deferred Class of 2023. Now back to Madison!! LOL

Sorry. I’m new to this. I need to figure out all the terminology. My daughter had a 4.6 unweighted I think. Her essays were not super strong so I’m guessing that may have been the biggest factor, which makes me nervous for Wisconsin bc she used the same common app essay. Anyway, I hope your son gets in!!!