University of Wisconsin Madison EA Class of 2023

When do we hear about deferred?

I got deferred 12/22 and am waiting to hear back, does anyone know when decisions are coming out again??

End of March

@Nymommy123 you find about your acceptance for deferrals the same time as other regular decision applicants

Anybody hear back regular decisions

@bubblytaco end of March for RD announcements

DId anyone hear news regarding the automatic consideration scholarships for ED Direct Admits to WSB?

@Goose15 Thanks for asking in this thread. I have been tempted to just call as my question in a thread of its own received plenty of views but no answers either. Message me if you hear anything!

Hi. Accepted to UW Madison EA (Dec 2018, not committed yet), but the student portal doesn’t show anywhere a link to submit mid year grades, no mail received regarding having to submit mid-term grades either . Anybody seeing something different? Thanks.

@goose15 @CAmom01

I got this from the biz school: "We did send our first wave of scholarship notifications out on February 14. If your daughter was not notified, we were unable to offer her scholarship dollars in the first wave of releases. That said, more funds will be awarded in April, so we encourage her to keep an eye on her email. "

Thanks. I got an email at the end of January to sign a release for the UW Foundation but nothing in February. So, I guess I didnt get anything.

Can you be eligible for the Chancellors scholarship even if you applied regular decision

I just got on my school’s varsity tennis team, does anyone know where to add that in the student center?

When is deferred results coming out?

hey guys, do yall know when is the actual date/time UW is gonna release the regular decision?

My S was put on waitlist for Direct Admit to WBS. What is the likelihood of getting off waitlist?

@mom3boyz depends on how many students are on the waitlist and how many students already offered DA decline.

Could someone chance me for 2019 RD Decision to College of Letters and Science?
State: Washington
GPA: 3.94 unweighted, 4.06 weighted
Reading SAT: 670 Math SAT: 660
Varsity Soccer 4 years, Captain Senior Year
Community Service
Traveling Club Soccer Team 3 years
Advanced Dance 4 years
Good Essays

It looks like you have a good chance, but I’m not an expert or anything in admissions and I’m not too familiar with SAT scores. In-state, you would for sure make it in, but with being out of state, you can never really be sure.

can anyone chance me also? thanks!!! CS major
International female
high school in Texas
GPA 93.8 or 94(fall semester)
SAT 1440 math 790
good essay i guess