University of Wisconsin Madison EA Class of 2024

Daughter applied 10/27 - Business.
From NY - did not receive email.

No email. Engineering. OOS - Maryland. Applied 10/26.

After clicking on student center, does anyone’s else screen just turn blank?

Honestly it would make sense that a lot of people with engineering majors got the email, isn’t that a fairly competitive major?

@robot1234 yes mine no longer loads

VA, psych, i dont know what OOS means, got the email :frowning:
application page still works tho

@zangerthal You are soooo OOS. :smile: It means Out of State.

My student center still loads.

oh lol got it thanks

OOS, Mn for engineering, no email
student center still loads

Ok now when I log in it says I am not authorized and the page can not be found?? Is this happening to anyone

No email yet for me either. OOS and biology major.

Good luck everyone! No email here (OOS) and no idea what is going to happen but in the end it will all work out the way it is supposed to. Everyone on this thread or following it cares about their future and will end up somewhere great as a result.

Anyone know how you are notified of a decision? Do you get an email, or is it on your own regard to check the portal? Also, where do you see a change to your admission status? Like is there a new link that pops up or what happens?

What email is it that people received?

No email. Applied for CS, OOS (NY). Not sure what’s happening, but this is stressing me out now that I’ve caught up on the thread :/. My portal looks exactly the same; nothing has changed.

Hi guys I got an email saying that their decision won’t be out till New Year…
Sad cause UWM is my dream school, and I still have to apply for RD just in case I cannot be enrolled to any school. TVT

Check the spam box to see if you received emails

Got the email, International (India), SAT: 1530, applied: 10/30, engineering
It’s just an addition to the huge stress I already have!

No email for my son.