University of Wisconsin Madison EA Class of 2024

@college571 As Pre-Business, do you mean that you were a direct admit to the school of business? Or do you mean that you were admitted into L&S where you will be pre-business

@BenPM64 why wouldn’t you file FASFA? … no harm, and avails Fed Loans . We don’t qualify for anything (needs-based aid), but at least we can tap into a subsidized fed loan.

Accepted In-State!
Pre-Pharmacy (L&S)

30 ACT
3.9 UW/4.0 W Top 10% of HS class
5 APs
Lots of ECs, some with leadership
Part-time job throughout high school

Subsidized loans are need-based.

@college571 I am OOS and applied for Business: Marketing. There has been no change on my page to major. Should I be worried about whether I am going to get in or not? I feel like from a lot of people there has been a change, indicated that they are getting in. Congratulations on your acceptance!

My daughter and friends are instate and found out they were accepted last night. We had filed a FAFSA: she was able to see her financial aid offer sheet earlier in the day. Her two friends knew they weren’t eligible for aid so they did not file FAFSAs. Nothing changed in their financial sections. So my interpretation is that if you see a financial aid offer sheet, your acceptance is likely (why would they prepare those for denials?); but not seeing one doesn’t mean you won’t be accepted, either because you didn’t file a FAFSA or because they may not have posted all of them yet.

OOS-MN engineering
my financial aid tab just updated to have the printable offer but my admissions tab has not changed

Would you happen to know when the last time you checked that tab and the printable offer wasn’t there is? Haven’t gotten it and I don’t know if they’re all posted at the same time. Thanks.

OOS MI: my financial aid page just updated too (to the printable offer)

My financial aid tab also just updated with the printable offer but no other changes…

@Mahvir06 I have been checking it like every hour or so and it just showed up now

Thanks for letting me know. I’m in Mass, sadly no update yet.

@BenPM64 Well I suggest you apply regardless … 7-figure family and still received a minimal subsidized fed.

OOS CT my financial aid just updated to printable offer…

Do you think this means OOS will get their decisions tonight?

what does the printable offer look like? and if you don’t qualify for financial aid does it change?

@roman1019 did you receive aid? Mine says 0 and there is nothing printable but there is no aid so wondering if that is why?

@roman1019 what are your stats if you dont mind me asking?

My sons page changed just now to include printable financial offer. OOS. IL

the printable offer comes up under a new tab title “Awards”… if you don’t have this tab then you don’t have the printable offer