University of Wisconsin Madison EA Class of 2024

Is there anyone else who hasn’t heard tonight or did all decisions go out?

CS is part of college of LS

Daughter accepted

1570 SAT (800 Math)
3.7 Unweighted GPA (4 AP, 4 IB) Rest honors
Science Honors program at Columbia, Honorable Mention: Genes in Space - NASA
Virtually No Extracurriculars.

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences / Genetics and Genomics

Thank you for all the info leading up and best wishes to everyone!


I had a 33 ACT, 4.63 weighted GPA 3.91 unweighted, 6/180 class rank. 4 year, 3 season varsity athlete. Decent amount of service hours. Prior coding experience, and double instrument player (guitar + piano). Spent many hours on app essays, so those were very strong.

That is strange. Your son’s stats are higher than mine. I have heard of colleges who deny people with super high stats because they think that they will not end up going there in favor of a more prestigious school. Perhaps that is what happened?

Son Accepted OOS (NJ)-Engineering
760 Math, 670 Reading SAT
3.8 Unweighted GPA from top 3 prep school in state
Regional Orchesta, strong competitor in Forensics.

@Kepler2020 I’ve heard the same thing, which is a shame for kids like my son who would rather go to a school like Wisconsin. He really loves the campus and the school, so we’ll see how things go in RD. Thanks for sharing your stats.

Accepted OOS!
1520 SAT (800 math 720 English)
3.96 uw 4.6 w
Lots of ec’s and pretty good essays
10 APs

Congrats everyone

Food Science
32 ACT
4.00 UW GPA
Lots of extracurriculars and some volunteering
Did PSEO (college in high school) junior and senior year

I wrote one of my essays on country music:)

Son accepted.
Academic Plan = BS Chemistry (College of Letters and Science)
OOS Illinois (Chicago area)
1510 SAT (790 M, 720 R)
GPA 4.7 W / 3.5 UW
APs = Calc AB (5), Chem (4), Bio (4), Physics1 (4), Hum Geo (5), Lang (3), Stats this yr
Decent ECs (two sports, club, public service, job - but not a captain/president)

Accepted OOS Illinois
Mechanical engineering
GPA UW 3.7 W 3.97
SAT 1480

Did you guys get email that were accepted? Haven’t heard anything yet - 4.0/35 business - although i got the email about delayed decisions

@DG I didn’t get an email or even a notification on my page, I had to click all the way into my application status.

Unfortunately, I think if you got the delay email that means you won’t hear back until after the New Year:(

Accepted Business
32, 95.15 wGPA, n/a rank
IBDP student with some APs, 2 awards in science research
pres of spanish club for 3 years, house manager at theater, student council, lots of leadership etc.
Why Wisco essay was super specific

Accepted! IB Diploma Candidate, MN OOS Neurobiology.

@dednimnepo Does Thursday mean UMich?

Anyone know what “no major code BA” means?

This might sound premature, but has anyone heard about scholarships at all? Or if not do you know when we’ll hear?

Accepted OOS from New York!
Communications major-
1360 SAT, 4.0 Unweighted, 96.65 Average in school
lots of good ec’s

Son accepted from College of Letters and Science (applied cs major)
ACT Composite 34
ACT Super score 35 (English 36 Math 36 Reading 33 Science 35)
Math Level 2 800 Physics 780
AP Calculus BC 5, Computer Science A 5 , Physics C - 5 Electricity & Magnetism, Physics C 5 Mechanics
Many Post-AP level classes (linear Algebra, multi-variable, advance mechanics , quantum mechanics, cs opencv2 programming, etc )
GPA (their school does not rank), I would say about A- over all

Anyone else’s student center shows blank page?