University of Wisconsin Madison EA Class of 2024

Is someone else’s portal also not opening? Mine isn’t.

Yes, but this has happened several times previously. Likely does not mean anything. They just came back to work this morning. I would not expect any news for the delayed EA for 2-4 weeks (just a guess).

Ah. I don’t think it should take 2-4 weeks though

Would it be rude if I called and asked them when they plan on releasing decisions?

No it won’t. I’m sure they would understand that your’e eager to find out because this doesn’t happen every year.

My son has been accepted EA. I asked admissions via Facebook about accepted student days. They said emails will be out no later than January 6th. Therefore, I think that all EA decision should be completed by then at the latest

yes! please call them for all of us!

Do they release decisions on the weekend? If not, only Friday and Monday are left then.

Pls call!

The first round of EA was released Saturday night, so weekends are possible.

Called them and then chickened out at the last second. I don’t want to sound over-eager/desperate. Anyone else brave enough to have a go?

Just called them. No set date yet and the admissions person definitely didn’t sound like anything is happening this weekend. One thing that she said is that they will go through ALL applications and will be sending out the results as one chunk. They are not going to do smaller batches on multiple days. The orientation email will have nothing to do with this as that’s handled by a different office. I’m hoping that will be done in two chunks as well.

Wisconsin and certain states with a smaller number of applications have been processed. We are from VA and looks like there are many from VA. :smiley:

Are you sure it won’t be within the next two days? Someone asked them about it on Twitter and they said they were working on getting them out ASAP which leads me to believe that they feel the sense of urgency too.

re the helpful hints post. I suspect the housing lottery will be as it usually has been- in May, not March. This is after students have finalized which school they are attending and room assignments would then be available in June. Note- it is not first come, first served, so your date of application/accepting UW’s offer does not determine your getting your first choice housing.

Also note- once you accept UW’s offer you pay the deposit which has been refundable if requested before May 1st. Res Halls sends out the public dorm housing application to accepted students with a deadline for accepting it. Read the fine print- it is a written contract that (in theory) can only be broken if you do not attend UW. If you later choose to go elsewhere and ask UW for the deposit refund that does not count for Res Halls- if you paid a deposit to secure a place in the UW dorms you need to notify Res Halls separately by May 1st to get your deposit refunded.

DS accepted OOS Illinois direct admit to business. 3.8 unweighted 34 ACT. Just found out today because he had to reset his petal password.

I guess that means not many from PA since my DS got his decision ‘on time’.

Positive thoughts for all of you still patiently waiting.

I just called too and they have no clue when they are going to release the rest of EA. She said they are working as quickly as possible and will release them as soon as they have all of the decisions done. I asked “do you know if it will be a few days or a few weeks?” and she said she can’t give me an exact date and that they are working as quickly as possible…

Speaking of housing, does anyone know how quickly the learning communities fill up? Is it just part of the raffle? Really want to be in WISE

DD just received the “Admitted Students Events” email that includes upcoming dates with one in February and most others in March and April so for those of you EAs still waiting to hear a decision maybe you will hear very soon. Best of luck!

Called them right now and the only thing the admissions rep said was that they would be out by the end of January. Really frustrating how Wisconsin went from being one of my earliest EA decision dates to the last one. The wait is agonizing.